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As a bodybuilder, you sweat blood for every new ounce of muscle mass. But all that hard work in the gym (and the kitchen) means very little unless you've got plenty of anabolic hormones that facilitate muscle growth coursing through your veins. Number one among them, of course, is testosterone.
Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a legal, safe way to get your testosterone levels where they need to be to promote mass gains. But is it really a viable option for bodybuilders? Much debate and confusion are raging out there about TRT and steroid use in bodybuilding. So, let's set the record straight, once and for all.
Here's what we'll cover:
TRT stands for testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone is an anabolic, or muscle-building, hormone produced in the testes in men and the ovaries of females, but men have it in much larger quantities.
Testosterone is vital for developing male reproductive tissue and characteristics, maintaining bone density, controlling mood, and enhancing general well-being. It binds to androgen receptors in your muscle cells to initiate protein synthesis, creating new proteins for muscle growth. So, higher levels of testosterone are linked to more muscle mass.
The problem is that our bodies produce less testosterone from around the age of 30, leading to fatigue, a low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and muscle loss. Another cause of low testosterone is testosterone deficiency syndrome.
That's where TRT comes into play. Also called androgen replacement therapy, is a medical treatment designed to treat low testosterone levels by taking exogenous, synthetic testosterone into the body. As far as the mode of testosterone administration goes, it can vary between injections, gels, patches, and implants.
There is no doubt that testosterone promotes muscle growth, but its ways are complex and multi-faceted. Here's a summary of the current research:
As we've seen, protein synthesis is the initiator of muscle development. In one study, subjects took 3 mg per kg per week of testosterone enanthate for 12 weeks, and protein synthesis increased by an average of 27% [1].
Besides stimulating protein synthesis, testosterone promotes myogenesis, the process of forming new muscle fibers. Testosterone also supports muscle growth by helping to balance the ratio of muscle protein synthesis to breakdown.
In a 1996 study, test subjects were divided into four groups:
Placebo with no exercise
Testosterone with no exercise
Placebo plus exercise
Testosterone plus exercise
The testosterone groups were given 600 mg of testosterone enanthate weekly throughout the ten-week study. Both testosterone groups had significantly greater gains in muscle mass than the placebo groups, with the testosterone plus exercise group having the most significant muscle gains of all [2].
By promoting the growth of muscle tissue and enabling stronger muscle contractions, testosterone makes our muscles stronger. The hormone has also been shown to improve neurological functioning [3].
As well as directly impacting muscle growth, testosterone also acts indirectly by helping to improve your focus, concentration, and energy on the gym floor.
Testosterone is a natural mood booster [4]. Its use has been connected with reduced levels of depression, anger, and aggression. The calm, focused state it promotes will help you be more productive during your workout.
Higher testosterone levels are also linked to greater energy [5]. People with low levels of free testosterone are often easily fatigued. So, higher 'T' levels will help you to generate the energy and muscular endurance you need to own your workouts.
Now that we've delved into the science of TRT for bodybuilding, let's get some perspectives from the trenches. Here are anecdotal comments from bodybuilders who have been on TRT to increase muscle mass:
"I am recently 27 and began TRT (200mg Test C every 12 days) about two months ago. Went from levels around 200-300 to 700ish now. I am still tired, but nowhere near as bad as before. My anxiety is greatly improved, and I no longer need to take the SSRI and Benzos I was on. Sex drive is great again.
As for muscle growth: it is still a little early on in my treatment, but there has been significant improvement. Fatigue while lifting in the gym has all but dissipated. I still have to push myself to get there sometimes, but when I am there, it's great. I have always put on muscle pretty easily, but I was stuck for the past few years and regressed a bit.
My gym results may not be typical for only two months on TRT, so maybe I am just lucky, but everything has improved (e.g., bench went from 4x8 of 225 on bench to 4x8 of 285). I know TRT has only brought me to natural T levels, but even just that much has been amazing, both inside and outside the gym. (source)
Another Redditor GroketheCube reported these results:
"My TT was 58 pre TRT. I lost 9" off my waist, 35lbs, and gained 2" on arms and shoulders in about four months. My Body got back to where it was "supposed to be" naturally, really quick.
You might do SLIGHTLY better than a real natty on TRT because even though your levels will be comparable to normal morning levels, they'll be there 24/7, so your 24-hour average T levels will be slightly higher. Not enough to make a big difference, though.
The initial changes happen fast, though, kinda like a natty hopping on gear. Only you're going from broken to human, not human to super-human." (source)
Finally, user BoyManik posted these results in a subreddit about Testosterone:
"What's up, guys? I just wanted to show you a quick TRT before and after pic of my progress with TRT and how it helped me sculpt the body I have today. Pic on the left is me at 250 on the very first day I started, pic on the right is me 14 months later at 210. My body fat is around 10-12.5%, and I'm 6'3. I'm posting this to show any of you on the fence about starting TRT that IF you make the most of it, IT DOES WORK! It can and will 100% change your life for the better. At 26, my T was at 326, got it up to around 900, and boom, I became a new man …" (source)
Want those sort of TRT bodybuilding gains? Check out The Ultimate Guide To Using TRT For Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilders who want to use Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) should undergo a medical process to get a prescription and get treated safely and lawfully. Here's what this involves:
Consult a Medical Professional: Make an appointment with your doctor to ascertain whether you have low testosterone levels. The doctor will check your symptoms and medical history and then order blood tests.
Evaluation and Diagnosis: Your doctor will call you to discuss your testing results. If it is determined that you have hypogonadism (below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), he will give you a prescription for testosterone. It will specify the dosage, administration method, and treatment frequency.
Filling the Prescription: You can fill your prescription at a pharmacy or online. Ensure the relevant regulatory bodies approve the website and that it abides by industry standards; Reputable websites will require a valid prescription from a medical professional. Do not deal with websites that do not insist on a prescription.
Monitoring and follow-up: Regular follow-up meetings will be scheduled with your doctor it track your progress. Your treatment may be modified accordingly.
TRT is a common hormone replacement therapy offered at several respected medical offices. Hormone imbalances can be identified and treated by skilled medical specialists working in these clinics. You're guaranteed to receive appropriate medical supervision and individualized care if you seek assistance from approved TRT clinics. It is essential to stress that the safest method for getting TRT is through a recognized medical channel.
Without a professional medical evaluation and prescription, relying on the advice of friends or gym buddies might be dangerous. Self-medicating or acquiring testosterone from unrestricted sources might increase the risk of health problems, inappropriate dosage, and possibly legal problems. Prioritize your health and well-being at all times by getting TRT under the advice of a qualified medical expert who can make the proper diagnosis and offer direction, supervision, and monitoring over the course of treatment.
Wondering how much you'll be paying for TRT? Get the answer in our article: How Much Does TRT Cost?
Take into account the following factors when looking for an online TRT clinic:
Medical Professionals: The clinic should employ licensed medical experts with experience in hormone treatment and TRT, such as doctors or nurse practitioners.
Thorough Evaluation: To assess your eligibility for TRT, a reputable clinic will demand a thorough medical evaluation, including a review of your medical history and recent blood test results.
Secure Online Consultations: Seek out medical practices that provide private and secure video consultations with doctors. This enables an accurate assessment and a customized treatment strategy.
Transparency: The clinic should be open and honest about its services, available options for treatment, potential dangers, and advantages.
Testimonials: Positive patient testimonials can shed light on the clinic's reputation and level of care.
Licensed and Accredited: Verify if the clinic is accredited and licensed to meet moral and legal requirements. They should be licensed and accredited appropriately and follow any applicable medical regulations.
Privacy and Data Security: Confirm that the clinic has taken steps to safeguard your private information.
Based on our extensive analysis, the three best online TRT clinics are:
Fountain TRT gets the top spot for many reasons, including but not limited to their pricing, offer of at-home labs in major cities, and an all-inclusive membership. That means for a reasonable price, you're getting everything from your actual TRT treatment to direct texting with a provider, follow up labs, and provider video calls.
Other highlights include:
World authority doctors
Great customer service
Cost-effective - starts at $40 per week
Go here to access Fountain TRT's online evaluation.
We help men boost their testosterone up to a healthy, normal level using testosterone therapy. With our online doctor’s visits, treatment is a breeze. Start your personalized evaluation...
We recommend Marek Health for those looking for more comprehensive coaching beyond just TRT. For example, they go above and beyond your average telehealth service by focusing on improving overall health through personalized coaching, nutritional support, and monthly check-ins.
Other highlights include:
Marek is a telehealth platform built on streamlining health optimization. We use preventative medicine and evidence-based treatment plans to get our clients the results they want...
Peter MD makes our top 3 as one of North America's largest online men's health clinics, meaning they're equipped with the expertise to help all kinds of cases - from sexual dysfunction to depression, anxiety, and fatigue. They also utilize a proprietary software that tracks 25+ factors of specifically measured data to make sure you get the most out of treatment.
Other highlights include:
Cutting edge software
Well priced
Can all be done from home
America's most affordable men's healthcare programs, because aging doesn't have to be more difficult...
For more information, check out our full review of the 8 Best Online TRT Clinics.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is different from an anabolic steroid cycle for bodybuilding. TRT is fundamentally a medical procedure to cure male hypogonadism.
TRT should not be used exclusively for bodybuilding without a valid medical reason. People who want to grow muscle should concentrate on good training, nutrition, and recovery.
Engaging with a licensed medical practitioner is essential if you are considering TRT for a valid medical cause. They will decide on the correct dosage, delivery method, and monitoring schedule according to your unique demands. So, the end user cannot determine the TRT dosage for bodybuilding.
Unlike regular anabolic steroid use cycles, TRT is not commonly cycled for bodybuilding. TRT seeks to keep testosterone levels steady and within a healthy range. TRT can be cycled or abruptly stopped, which can adversely affect one's health.
Following anti-doping rules is crucial if you compete in bodybuilding and use TRT for health-related reasons. Athletes should follow the rules established by the appropriate sports organizations and get a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
TRT bodybuilding dosages depend on a person's needs, their level of testosterone, and a doctor's assessment. TRT may use patches, gels, injections, or other procedures. Instead of aiming for excessive muscle development, dosages are advised to keep testosterone levels within a therapeutic range.
Health should always come first. Using TRT improperly or just for aesthetic reasons carries severe health risks and concerns. The adverse effects of high testosterone levels may include hormone abnormalities, mood swings, increased risk of prostate cancer, and cardiovascular problems. Focusing on good nutrition, efficient workout routines, and enough rest is crucial for both competitive bodybuilding and general muscle gain.
TRT for bodybuilding is complicated, so you've probably still got some questions. Here are the answers to some most frequently asked queries about testosterone and bodybuilding :
Yes, TRT is a class of steroids known as anabolic steroids. These steroids are used to simulate testosterone's physiological actions, particularly those that it plays in boosting bone density, muscle growth, and other processes that result in the formation of new tissue.
It's vital, though, to distinguish between using anabolic steroids medically under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner and abusing them for sport-related or recreational objectives.
Anabolic steroids can have significant health hazards and adverse effects because they are frequently taken at supraphysiological doses without proper medical supervision. When a person has clinically low testosterone levels, TRT entails using testosterone to raise their hormone levels back to a normal range. TRT can be a valuable tool for treating the effects of low testosterone and enhancing general health when administered carefully and under qualified medical supervision.
No, TRT is not illegal in a bodybuilding competition, provided that the competitor can produce a legitimate prescription and it is administered under the guidance of a medical professional. In natural bodybuilding competitions, athletes are subject to anti-doping regulations that prohibit performance-enhancing compounds, including anabolic steroids.
Athletes using TRT with a valid prescription may be required to obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) to compete while using TRT.
TRT variables like initial testosterone levels, genetics, age, nutrition, exercise, recovery, and dose affect the potential for muscle size and strength.
Low testosterone levels are frequently treated with TRT, which can increase muscular mass and strength. Understanding and maximizing the results of TRT requires realistic expectations and specialized treatment programs overseen by medical professionals.
Yes, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help people with clinically low testosterone levels recover more quickly. Sufficient amounts of testosterone can aid in reducing muscular soreness following strenuous exercise.
TRT can speed up muscle recovery and lessen the duration and intensity of soreness following exercise. Creating and mending muscular tissues, known as protein synthesis, depends on testosterone. TRT can boost protein synthesis, resulting in a quicker recovery from exercise and faster muscle regeneration.
TRT may have anti-inflammatory properties that help lessen inflammation brought on by strenuous activity, which can facilitate faster recovery in between workouts. Fatigue and decreased energy are side effects of low testosterone levels. TRT can boost energy levels, enabling people to recuperate more effectively and maintain regular workout regimens.
TRT may result in higher-quality sleep, which is essential for recovery. A healthy amount of sleep promotes hormone balance, muscular healing, and general well-being.
The beginning testosterone levels of the individual, genetics, age, training program, food, and general health can all affect how long it takes for testosterone to start impacting bodybuilding. Here is a general timetable to think about:
Effects in the Short Term (Weeks to Months):
After starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), some patients may experience mood, energy levels, and recuperation improvements within a few weeks to a few months.
During this time, one might also notice first gains in strength and endurance.
Effects over the medium term (a few months to a year):
More noticeable muscle growth and strength changes may occur over a few months to a year.
TRT can promote increased protein synthesis and muscle repair, leading to muscular growth and better body composition.
Workout recovery may quicken and improve, enabling more intense training sessions.
Effects that last longer than a year:
Long-term usage of androgen replacement therapy can result in continuing muscle growth and strength increases when accompanied by regular and efficient training, a healthy diet, and enough rest.
Results that are sustained over a year or more can be more observable and significant, particularly for people who have low testosterone levels to begin with.
There are two types of testosterone injections for building muscle: short-acting and long-acting:
Short-acting: Testosterone suspension and testosterone propionate are frequently used in short-acting injections. These injections can have effects that last anywhere from a few days to a week. People frequently need more frequent injections to keep testosterone levels consistent because of their shorter lifespan.
Long-acting: Testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate are examples of long-acting injections. The effects of these injections continue anywhere between two and three weeks, giving them a longer duration of activity.
TRT replacement therapy can definitely help bodybuilders build more muscle. But you'll only be able to benefit from it if you are diagnosed with testosterone deficiency (300 ng/dL or less). Unlike illegal anabolic steroids, TRT will normalize rather than supercharge your testosterone levels. So, don't expect the same results.
Once you've been diagnosed and given a prescription for testosterone therapy, look for a licensed, reputable source to get your testosterone. Our favorite online clinic is Fountain TRT. Understanding, accountability, and the pursuit of overall well-being are the first steps on your path to a better bodybuilding experience with TRT.
Now that you've got a thorough understanding of TRT bodybuilding check our in-depth guide on How To Increase Testosterone: Everything You Need To Know.
Griggs RC, Kingston W, Jozefowicz RF, Herr BE, Forbes G, Halliday D. Effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1989 Jan;66(1):498-503. doi: 10.1152/jappl.1989.66.1.498. PMID: 2917954.
Celec P, Ostatníková D, Hodosy J. On the effects of testosterone on brain behavioral functions. Front Neurosci. 2015 Feb 17;9:12. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00012. PMID: 25741229; PMCID: PMC4330791.
Bhasin S, Storer TW, Berman N, Callegari C, Clevenger B, Phillips J, Bunnell TJ, Tricker R, Shirazi A, Casaburi R. The effects of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone on muscle size and strength in normal men. N Engl J Med. 1996 Jul 4;335(1):1-7. doi: 10.1056/NEJM199607043350101. PMID: 8637535.
Bassil N, Alkaade S, Morley JE. The benefits and risks of testosterone replacement therapy: a review. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2009 Jun;5(3):427-48. doi: 10.2147/tcrm.s3025. Epub 2009 Jun 22. PMID: 19707253; PMCID: PMC2701485.
Straftis AA, Gray PB. Sex, Energy, Well-Being and Low Testosterone: An Exploratory Survey of U.S. Men's Experiences on Prescription Testosterone. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Sep 5;16(18):3261. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16183261. PMID: 31491933; PMCID: PMC6765788.
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