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Resistance band tricep exercises are a fantastic way to train your triceps at home or while on the road. However, even if you have access to a gym or free weight equipment, you should still be incorporating banded tricep exercises into your workout routine. Bands are extremely versatile and they offer some unique advantages that you can’t get from dumbbells, barbells or cable machines alone, as you are about to learn.
Our guide has over 250 exercises categorized by mobility, mobilization, resistance training, barbell training, explosive training, static stretching, and (p)rehabilitation...
2. Overhead Extension (0:35)
3. Supine Reverse-Close Grip Press (0:52)
4. Crossbow Extension (1:10)
5. Crossbody Pressdown (1:21)
6. Concentration Pressdown (1:34)
Below you will see pictures of each of the banded tricep exercises in the video above with quick how to’s for reference and the emphasized head so you can see how variance is implemented for full development of the triceps brachii.
How to do resistance band kickbacks:
Tricep Head Emphasized:
Your lateral head will be emphasized the most on this variation of the tricep kickback, but as your hand is in a neutral grip, so will your long head.
As this is a single arm exercise, your core and hips will be engaged to maintain stability.
How to do resistance band overhead extensions:
Tricep Head Emphasized:
Single arm overhead extensions will emphasize the long head, as well as the lateral head if you use an overhand grip.
Your core will also be engaged during single arm extensions to maintain spinal stability since the resistance will be on just one side.
How to do resistance band reverse grip presses:
Tricep Head Emphasized:
This exercise is going to emphasize the medial head of your tricep.
How to do resistance band crossbow tricep extensions:
Tricep Head Emphasized:
The crossbow tricep extension is an interesting tricep exercise as it involves resistance from across the body rather than from straight above or below. It’s going to target all three heads of your triceps as you have an underhand grip (medial head), your elbows are up and moving laterally (lateral head) and you have movement at the shoulder joint as well (long head).
How to do crossbody resistance band pressdowns:
Tricep Head Emphasized:
Crossbody pressdowns will work your long head as there is shoulder adduction and your lateral head. This is another interesting exercise as it allows for resistance from a different angle.
How to do resistance band tricep concentration extensions:
Tricep Head Emphasized:
Resistance band concentration tricep extensions are going to emphasize the medial and long head. However, it is really an all around tricep exercise that will give you amazing contraction throughout all three heads of your tricep. Just focus on maximum contraction and use a slow tempo.
Here is an example of a well-rounded tricep workout with bands…
The SFS FIVE Resistance Band Workout Package has 5 fun and challenging full length workouts using only resistance bands. Each workout targets different muscle groups. Together, the 5 workouts make for the perfect weekly workout routine.
When to do a banded tricep workout?
Do this kind of resistance band tricep workout after you do your compound exercises, whether that’s a full body workout or chest/push day. This will allow you to maximize tricep gains and fully develop your triceps.
If you have access to different types of equipment, feel free to mix up the workout with dumbbells, barbells, AND resistance bands. None of these training tools are mutually exclusive.
Your tricep, more formally known as the tricep brachii, is a three-headed muscle (hence the “tri” which means three and “cep” which means head) located on the posterior side of your upper arm. It spans almost the entire length of your humerus (upper arm bone).
“Heads” simply mean points of origin. So, the tricep is actually one muscle that consists of three parts. Think of it like a three headed monster.
The three heads of the tricep brachii are referred to as the long, medial and lateral heads.
The long head’s origin point is the scapula (it is the largest part of your tricep). The medial head, which is overlapped by the long and lateral head, has an origin point at the humerus. And, the lateral head (said to be the strongest head of the three) has an origin point at the humerus too, higher up and on the other side of the medial head. They all span the length of the upper arm’s posterior side until they insert via a common tendon on the ulna (the medial bone of the forearm, which is on the pinky side).
Note: If you want big arms, you need to hone in on the triceps as they make up 60-70% of your upper arm!
The primary movement function of the tricep is extension of the forearm at the elbow joint. They help to stabilize the elbow joint too.
The tricep also plays a role in the extension and adduction of the arm at the shoulder joint (moving your arms behind you and moving your arms towards the middle of your body, respectively).
As such, the triceps are most active in pushing and thrusting movements, as well as well as supporting the weight of your body from your hands when your elbows are flexed.
Now, there are some distinctions to note regarding the functions of each head.
The medial head is active no matter what when extending the forearm (bringing your forearm down back to 0˚). However, your long and lateral head are only active, at least in a significant way, during extension of the elbow when there is resistance.
What’s more, the long head is different than the other two heads in its functions because it crosses the shoulder joint and attaches to the scapula. With that, it is the area of the tricep that assists in shoulder extension, adduction of the arm, and shoulder joint stability.
While the average Joe and Jane’s upper arm looks like one slab of meat, fully developed triceps will have a bulge out to the side (this is the prominence of the lateral head), a thick and well-defined inner portion (that horseshoe look caused by the medial head), and a large mass up by the shoulder (where the long head makes itself known).
Fully developed triceps look impressive and very “3D”.
To achieve this, you need to train your triceps effectively.
Tricep Isolation Exercises vs Only Doing Compound Pressing Exercises?
While compound exercises like push ups, bench press and shoulder press will get you far, isolation exercises for the triceps will take you much further in the development of your triceps. If this wasn’t the truth, bodybuilders wouldn’t waste their time doing tricep exercises! So, if someone tells you compound exercises are enough, there is some merit in that, but not if you want to really build fully developed triceps.
Note: Even powerlifters do arm exercises because it helps with their strength. Bench press and other compound lifts don’t often move your triceps (and biceps) through their full range of motion, which is important for strength and hypertrophy. So, if you really want to build big and strong triceps, you need to do some isolation exercises. Not only will your arms look great in the long run, but tricep isolation exercises will make you stronger in your pushing compound lifts too!
If you only do compound exercises or you do the same few tricep exercises, you will likely find that certain areas (heads) are deficient. The easy fix is to do various exercises that change your arm position and grip, such as overhead extensions, pressdowns, dips, and so on. You need variety to target the different heads of the triceps.
Can you isolate the different heads of the triceps?
You can’t isolate a specific head of the tricep as any time the elbow is extended, all three heads will be activated. HOWEVER, you can hone in on either the lateral, medial or long head by altering the position of your arms and/or grip position.
If it sounds complicated, don’t worry, it’s not…
Lateral Head: The lateral head of the tricep is worked best with your arms at the sides and using an overhand grip. For example, pressdowns, close-grip bench press, kickbacks, bench dips, diamond push ups.
Long Head: The long head of the tricep is worked best with your arms overhead or out in front of you and neutral grips. For example, overhead extension (all variations), rope pull downs, and skull crushers.
Medial Head: The medial head of the tricep is worked best with your arms at the side using an underhand grip. For example, reverse grip press down and reverse grip bench press.
Note: Many of these exercises will emphasize not just one head. For example, while skull crushers place emphasis on the long head, they will also target the lateral head too, and the medial head will still be activated. Again, you can’t completely isolate a specific head.
All in all, if you want to fill out those sleeve, make sure you focus on training variables, which include angles (how you position your body and where the resistance is coming from), grip position (underhand/overhand/neutral), and arm position.
We love using bands for tricep exercises because they can be used just like cable machines, barbells, and dumbbells! They can also be used to make bodyweight tricep exercises harder. You can literally mimic the exact same exercises that you do with cable pulleys, dumbbells, and barbells with a 41 inch loop resistance band, as you are about to see.
We also like resistance bands as the resistance increases as you stretch the band. So, rather than having the movement get easy at the end of its range (when your elbow is near full extension - it’s optimal range) like it does with barbells and dumbbells (due to the strength curve that occurs with free weights), it gets harder.
What’s more, you can alter the amount of resistance with a single resistance band by simply moving away from the anchor point or wrapping the band around your feet or hands more times. The more taut the band is, the harder it will be.
AND, resistance bands force you to use a slow and controlled motion on the eccentric phase (when your muscles are lengthening). Slow eccentric movements are proven to be best for muscle growth and strength.
On top of all that, bands are easy on the joints, easy to learn with, and easy to transport! They're also extremely versatile. For example, ladies looking to perform women's arm workouts at home can readily use resistance bands for all of their moves.
Even if you have access to dumbbells and barbells, we highly recommend mixing in resistance band tricep exercises. They really hit the tricep muscle deep and you will feel an amazing contraction when using them.
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