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If you aim to achieve that jaw-dropping, head-turning physique, you must build your muscles to be bigger, lose fat to look leaner, and create the illusion that you are jacked out of your mind. If this is what you want, then there are specific muscles that you will want to focus on to achieve the jacked and juicy look.
In this detailed guide, I want to explore the world of "show" muscles—those eye-catching, attention-grabbing muscles and the best ways to work them so you can start looking bigger, much faster!
Table of Contents
Ah, the biceps – one of the best ways to show off arm strength and look. Why are they so great to work on, you ask? Well, for starters, well-developed biceps can turn heads wherever you go. When you think about it, they are one of the only muscles that show when you wear a shirt. If you ask a random person to make a muscle, what's the first thing they're gonna do? Exactly. Some sort of biceps flex.
The biceps brachii consist of two heads – the long head, which sits on the outside of the arm, and the short head, which sits on the inside of the arm closer to the body. Together, these muscles form the iconic "peak" that bodybuilders strive to achieve.
Typically, when training, you start off the workout with some form of heavier, compound movements. During these compound movements, your biceps (or triceps) are indirectly worked, so you won't need to focus too much on direct volume work to give them the attention they need.
The best way I've found to train biceps without overworking them is to add two to three isolation-type movements (my favorites below) to the end of your workout. I typically add my bicep work at the end of one of my back days!
Not only are incline bicep curls exercise my favorite movement for the biceps, but research has also shown it to be one of the best ways to target them.¹
Figure 1: Oliveira LF, et al. (2009)
Adjusting a bench to a 45-degree angle increases tension on the biceps, especially the long head, throughout the entire range of motion, making incline bicep curls one of the best ways to pump up those biceps.
How To:
Elevate your bicep gains with preacher curls, which puts a better focus on the short of your biceps since your arms are in front of the body. You can control the movement and better isolate the bicep using a preacher or inclined bench.
Don't ego lift on this exercise; I've seen one too many people tear a bicep while trying to go heavy on a preacher curls. Research has shown that using a lighter weight you can handle will still result in nearly identical gains in muscle mass and size.²
The biggest difference is that using lighter weights and focusing on muscle fatigue reduces the risk of injury.
How To:
Now, let's shift our focus to the triceps—which, surprisingly, I see people often overlooking. Just like your biceps, they are one of the only muscle groups seen whenever you wear a T-shirt. In fact, I know the triceps play a bigger role in arm size and how jacked you look due to being roughly 65% of the arm's mass!
Part of the reason they are so big is that the triceps brachii is comprised of three heads—the lateral head, situated on the outer part of the upper arm; the long head, which extends from the scapula to the elbow; and the medial head, positioned on the inner side of the arm.
Most people think that if they hit every head of the triceps, they're getting a complete triceps workout routine. Unfortunately, most movements lack when considering the triceps' entire range of motion. We also need to ensure that the exercises we use stretch and work the long head.
Throughout the years of training clients and working out myself, I have found that the triceps typically react well to heavy weights with progressive overload and that the angles at which you hit them play a huge role in which head gets the emphasis.
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Similar to the long head of the biceps, the tricep's long head tends to get ignored, primarily due to being the only head that crosses the shoulder joint. To blast your long head, you must put your shoulder in a degree of shoulder flexion, making an overhead extension one of the best options.
In fact, according to this research article, Triceps brachii muscle hypertrophy is substantially greater after cable extension training is performed in the overhead rather than the neutral arm position.³
Figure 2: Maeo, S., et al. (2023)
How To:
Triceps pushdowns are a staple move in almost every tricep workout. It is a fantastic movement that hammers your triceps from all angles and will result in an incredible tricep pump and development.
When doing this exercise, a great way to change it up without adjusting the mechanics is to test out different intensities and speeds.⁴ This forces the three heads of the tricep to work more independently and can change the emphasis on the muscle.
How To:
In my personal opinion, the chest is one of the most important muscles to work if you want to look jacked and more manly. Of the two chest muscles, the pectoralis major is the one you must focus on as it takes up the most room. The pectoralis major comprises two parts whose fibers run in different directions.
The upper chest muscle fibers (clavicular head) start from the clavicle and run toward the humerus. They then go upward diagonally toward the center of the chest. These muscle fibers are best activated through inclined movements like flyes and presses.
Most people tend to spend too much time focusing on standard bench press, which, don't get me wrong, is a great exercise. However, this typically leaves the upper chest neglected, resulting in a flatter and narrower chest.
The mid/lower chest fibers (sternal head) that come off the sternum are oriented horizontally, almost straight across the chest, and, like the fibers' orientation, they get the most activation through horizontal pressing movements.
Your miles may vary, but I find that working out my chest twice per week, with most of my focus being on the upper chest, is the sweet spot for building a massive chest that everyone will want to check out.
I love flat bench presses as much as the next guy, but if you really want to look jacked, you need to focus more on incline bench and, if possible, do some form of incline pressing at least twice per week. While it may not seem like simply changing the angle would make an impact, it can improve the range of motion and affect how the muscles are recruited.
Figure 3: Rodríguez-Ridao, David, et al. (2020)⁵
In case you can't decipher the EMG above and don't want to get into the nitty-gritty of the study, to target those upper chest fibers, use a 30º angle bench. If you do want to get into the details, check out our full article on incline bench angles.
How To:
Isolate and stretch the pectoral muscles with cable chest flyes, which can help to improve your range of motion and increase chest muscle activation. Doing these from a standing position can make it difficult to focus on the chest muscles and not increase involvement of the anterior delts, so I recommend doing them from a seated position (upright bench) if possible.
This provides the necessary stability and limits the focus on the core and stabilizing muscles, allowing the pecs to be isolated better.
How To:
While they may seem like a tiny muscle group, having boulder-like delts is one of the biggest ways to prove that you're jacked and juicy. Large shoulders can even make your waist appear to be smaller!
The shoulders are composed of three heads: the anterior (front) head, lateral (side) head, and posterior (rear) head. The anterior delt is in charge of shoulder flexion (raising the arm) and internal rotation, so I don't typically recommend that most people worry about adding too many front delt isolation movements, as they already play a huge role in primary pushing movements.⁶ As the table below shows, the activation on a pressing movement over front raises is substantial.
Figure 4: Sweeney, S.P. (2014)
The posterior delts help move your arms out to the side (transverse shoulder abduction) and with external rotation. Like the front delts, these get worked plenty whenever you do pulling movements like bent-over rows. So, doing much isolation work to build the rear delts may not be necessary.
The lateral deltoids help raise the arms to the side (shoulder abduction). Unlike the other two delts, many common compound movements you will be doing don't target the side delts enough. So, adding isolation movements for the side delts is necessary if you want to build those bigger, rounder boulder shoulders.
From experience, they recover quickly and tolerate higher volumes of isolation movements quite well. They recover so quickly that I would be surprised if you couldn't train them at least twice per week!
This is the only isolation movement you need to work the side delts and get that rounded and jacked look. While it may seem silly to lean, it makes the starting position where the side delt activates instead of other muscles.
The lean angle and cable machine add constant tension, a bigger range of motion, and are more joint-friendly to the side delts than a traditional dumbbell lateral raise.
How To:
I know I said earlier that you don't have to focus too much on adding isolation work for the rear delts. However, I would much rather you add rear delt accessories to a workout than anterior delt exercises. A great set of rear delts can help make you look massive from the back.
Face pulls are excellent for the rear deltoids, trapezius, and upper back muscles. When doing this exercise, it is pretty common for people to use too much weight and use momentum to pull toward the body. The rear delts are relatively small, and lighter weight will better target them effectively.
How To:
Well, guys, that's a wrap! You now have the tools and knowledge to sculpt those show muscles and become the envy of every gym bro (or gym gal) out there. But hey, make sure not to take yourself too seriously – fitness is supposed to be fun, right?
If you're looking to build muscle everywhere and get truly jacked, don't forget to check out our hypertrophy program.
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