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While some people may think that only women are benefiting from taking semaglutide, there are a fair share of men who have jumped on this weight loss craze.
We've searched through some of the most popular weight loss forums to find you 10 amazing transformations from guys that have hopped on the semaglutide train.
Semaglutide, Same Active As Wegovy®, Delivered To You For At-Home Weight Loss Treatment (No Insurance Necessary)
On the Ozempic subreddit, u/Nerdnursern shared his amazing 100 lb transformation. What makes this transformation different than a lot of other weight loss stories is that he managed to pack on 39 lbs of muscle as well!
u/Wucky622 posted on the semaglutide subreddit about his significant weight loss, and added benefit of not experiencing any side effects while on the medication.
u/samgold42 is someone that has struggled with weight issues since childhood, and decided to hop on the semaglutide hype train.
We were impressed by u/gersktay's story and realistic view on his life expectancy if he continued at the weight he was.
u/Roartastic2 is another amazing example of someone dropping a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.
Semaglutide, Same Active As Wegovy®, Delivered To You For At-Home Weight Loss Treatment (No Insurance Necessary)
Posted on the WegovyWeightLoss subreddit, u/Fit_Contest3669 shared a truly remarkable weight loss journey, including a newfound affinity for working out.
u/gymjones93 gives a relatable story of gaining weight due to binge eating during the pandemic and wanting to get back to normal eating habits.
u/SmkinmeatPckinheat has a story of someone who was looking for a modest weight loss, but found that he blew by his original goal and has an ideal weight in his sights.
This story shared in WegovyWeightLoss by u/ryankorexxx shows how big of a difference 6 months can make in a weight loss journey.
In the r/WegovyWeightLoss subreddit, u/Mexican_Majesty, a 49 year old man, shared his 5-month weight loss journey showing that it's never too late to make a difference in your health:
We've showed you ten success stories from men taking semaglutide that should pique your interest if you were wondering what semaglutide could do for you.
With shortages of the drug being a somewhat common occurrence, not to mention issues with insurance, the best solution for semaglutide is FountainGLP, a reputable telemedicine service that will deliver it right to your door.
Semaglutide, Same Active As Wegovy®, Delivered To You For At-Home Weight Loss Treatment (No Insurance Necessary)
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