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We get it. Once you make up your mind to lose weight, you want it gone ASAP.
And what better way to kick-start your weight-loss efforts than to set a big goal, like losing 20 pounds in a month? But, before you put that plan in place, there are a few questions that need answering.
Can you actually lose 20 pounds in a month? Is it safe to do so? And if so, how can you successfully shed a significant amount of weight? The good news is you've come to the right place to get those questions answered!
In fact, we'll answer one right now. Yes, some people can lose 20 pounds in a month. But, this isn't true for everyone, and it's not always safe either. We're about to dig into this, along with when it's safe vs. not safe, and tips and tricks for losing a significant amount of weight and keeping it off.
Table of Contents:
Losing weight boils down to calories in vs calories out, and before we dig into losing 20 pounds a month in more detail, we need to understand what it takes to lose that much. The first thing to know is that one pound of body fat is around 3,500 calories.
To lose 20 pounds in a month, you must:
Keep the numbers we just went over in mind as we discuss whether it's possible to lose that much weight in a month, because it plays a huge role in whether this type of weight loss is truly obtainable.
For those with a significant amount of weight to lose: Yes, it is possible to lose 20 pounds in a month with proper diet and exercise.
Now, let's look at a few different scenarios in more detail.
If you don't have that much weight to lose to begin with, then no, losing 20 pounds in a month is not possible.
It's likely if you're a healthy weight that your maintenance calorie intake is around 2,500 calories per day (or even less), which would mean you'd have to eat next to nothing every day. That's not safe or healthy.
Now, let's say you are overweight or obese, and your maintenance level is much higher, i.e. around 3,500, then you could manage a 2,500 calorie deficit. Would you feel good? Probably not, but it's possible. Also keep in mind that your maintenance level will become less as you weigh less, so to continue this deficit of 2,500 per day would become increasingly more difficult.
All in all, it's going to depend on the individual. It is possible, but it may not be possible for you. If you feel healthy enough to try it, then go ahead, and if you feel bad doing it, just take things slower.
And, we highly recommend consulting a doctor before trying to lose a significant amount of weight in a short time period.
This is a far better question to ask.
And the answer to this one is no, for the majority of people, it is not safe to lose 20 pounds in a month.
Losing weight too quickly often comes with a metabolism that slows down, increases cravings, and risks that include muscle loss, gallstones, increased (or decreased) hormones, and nutritional deficiencies.
It’s much healthier to lose weight at a sustainable, slow rate, with research showing that you'll be much more successful when following a plan you can maintain in the long run1. This can vary depending on various factors such as weight, age, gender, and physical activity.
Some calorie deficit suggestions for maintainable weight loss include:
This gradual weight loss allows you to eliminate health issues and to keep it off for the long haul. It’s more about changing your lifestyle than it is about dieting.
For more resources, ladies, be sure to check out our top weight loss tips to help get you started. And, for more great weight loss advice, head to our article: How To Burn 500 Calories A Day.
If you have a significant amount of weight to lose and you've determined it's safe for you to do so, to lose 20 pounds in a month, three factors will help you maintain a healthy life and hit your weight loss goals.
To lose 20 pounds in a month, you must:
It has been proven again and again that each of these serves an important role together in improving both your physical and mental health.
Eating the right combination of foods will help combat fatigue, improve all functions including digesting foods, maintain a healthy immune system, and repair the body naturally. In addition, eating enough food, even when dieting, is crucial as eating the right foods will fill you up, keep your metabolism working, and curve cravings, all of which will make it more of a sustainable lifestyle and less of a short-fix diet.
Eating a healthy diet will drastically change your life, your dieting efforts, and your weight.
Choosing to eat whole, nutritious foods that will keep your metabolism running well, and you’ll find that you're hungry less often when eating clean, healthy foods.
Don't worry! We will cover how to calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) later on in this article, so you know how many calories you should eat based on your weight loss goal, as well as a sample diet plan and the most nutritious foods to eat.
Exercise, whether it’s walking, swimming, riding a bike, or yoga, leads to better weight-loss results and improves your overall health2. With just 20 to 40 minutes of moving your body a day, you can reduce anxiety, improve weight management, strengthen bones, lower blood pressure, and help you get a better night's sleep. There are a ton of benefits for both your physical health and mental health.
On a calorie deficit, you won't be able to train as hard, but you can train smart, efficiently, and effectively. Below we will provide a sample workout plan and more resources for you to explore.
Lack of sleep leads us to overeat, make unhealthy food choices, lack energy, consume more calories, and put you at an increased risk of many health conditions.
Sleeping 7 to 9 hours allows your body to recover and regulate hormones, leptin and ghrelin, that affect your metabolism. Here's a look at why they're both so important.
Interestingly, research shows that those who get more good sleep each night lose more weight compared to those who do not3.
When dieting, the three factors you need to consider are:
Let's look at each more closely.
The first thing we need to discuss is TDEE, because without it, you won't know how much food you can eat. If you just guess, you can lose weight, but you may be surprised how many calories you are consuming.
If your goal is to lose 20 pounds in a month, you will certainly need to count calories to ensure you are eating just the right amount and to also keep track moving forward as your weight adjusts.
So what is TDEE? TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure, is how many calories you burn each day. So, if your TDEE is 3,000, then that's your maintenance level, meaning if you eat that many calories, you won't gain or lose weight.
Knowing your TDEE will give you the upper hand when determining how many calories you should be eating to obtain your weight loss goals.
The amount of calories you eat is determined by the amount of calories going out. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you put into your body, because once your body uses what it needs for energy, it will store the leftover calories as fat. A caloric deficit is the only real way to lose weight faster.
TDEE is calculated by first determining your Basal Metabolic Rate and multiplying that by your activity level. Sounds complex right? Don’t worry there are plenty of apps and websites that you can use to measure both your BMR and TDEE. This isn’t a step that you want to leave out.
Here is a good TDEE calculator. It's going to tell you a pretty close estimate of what your TDEE is, then you can determine how many calories you want to cut per day from there.
Remember, 3,500 calories is a pound.
Once you determine your TDEE and weight loss goal, start slow with a calorie deficit. For example, if you want to reach a deficit of 1,000 calories, don't just start at -1,000 per day.
Instead, do this:
The same method should be applied when you are increasing your calories to your new maintenance level after your weight loss goal has been achieved. Also, be sure to adjust your TDEE weekly to account for the weight loss you achieve. This is particularly true if you are doing rapid weight loss. If you're targeting 1 pound per week, you won't have to do it as often.
The type of calories that you put into your body matters for a variety of reasons. Different foods can affect your hormone levels and metabolism, increase cravings, and leave you feeling unsatisfied. We’ve heard the term empty calories before. These are calories that have no nutritional value and are the foods that you want to avoid.
Eating nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, whole grains, legumes, meat, fish and poultry will provide your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, give you the necessary fuel needed for it to function properly, and reduce the amount of calories that you eat to feel full.
Below are the best sources for protein, carbs, and fats, which if you stick to in proper portions and stay under your TDEE then you will certainly lose weight.
Good sources of protein:
Good sources of whole grains:
Good sources of healthy fats:
Macro counting can be a great way to lose weight. The best macronutrient (macros) ratio for losing weight is:
You’ll need to choose a diet that fits into your calories. Here is a sample meal plan that shows you can eat food to lose weight. There’s no reason to starve yourself even if you want to lose weight quickly.
Note: This may not work for losing 20lbs in a month, but you get the idea (which is you can still eat a variety of foods!). You'll just have to adjust the serving sizes accordingly.
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
Day Four:
Day Five:
Day Six:
Day Seven:
You could do an even simpler diet if you wanted to. You could eat the same things for every meal if you find it easier. The above is just to show you that you can eat pretty normal and well-rounded and still lose weight. In addition, these Supplements For Cutting may be useful in hitting your weight loss goals faster.
Changing the way that you eat isn’t going to be enough to help you lose 20 pounds in a month.
You also need to get a proper exercise program in place, as this will amplify your results, rev your metabolism, and help you feel great overall. Moreover, it's going to help you achieve the right body composition.
The three types of training you should be doing to lose weight are:
Since you are aiming to lose weight, your focus is not to build muscle, and your workout split will take that into account.
A weight loss training routine can look like this:
Day 1: Resistance Training
Day 2: Cardio
Day 3: HIIT
Day 4-5: Rest
- Repeat
Day 1: Resistance Training + Light Cardio
Day 2: HIIT
Day 3: Rest
- Repeat
Resistance training, or strength training, can be done with bodyweight-only exercises, weightlifting, or a mix of the two. It really depends on what you have access to and what your fitness level is. As a complete beginner, doing bodyweight-only workouts for the first month will be challenging enough.
For your weight loss journey, full body workouts are typically best for weight training. An upper lower split is also a solid option. If you prefer another type of workout split, these are the best workout splits.
And if you still aren't sure whether a full body routine or workout split is right for you, here's an article we wrote that weighs up the pros and cons of full body vs split training.
Whatever you choose, we recommend focusing the majority of your workout on compound exercises & lifts. This is because they provide the biggest bang for your buck.
Assuming you are going to go with the recommended full-body routine, here are two sample routines that you can alternate between when trying to lose 20 pounds in a month.
Session A:
Session B:
Workout Notes:
Prefer bodyweight training? Try our 8 Week Bodyweight Workout Plan!
Low-intensity cardio workouts include power walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, and aerobics. These are perfect options for beginners or those with physical limitations. Since you are doing resistance training and HIIT as well, aim for 2-4 low-intensity cardio sessions of 30-60 minutes per week.
If you were not doing HIIT, you could up that to 3-5 per week.
When doing cardio, try to stay in the cardio heart rate range, which is about 50-85% max capacity.
Doing 1 or 2 HIIT sessions per week is a great way to burn a lot of calories fast and to keep burning them long after the workout is over (it's called the EPOC effect, aka after burn effect).
The best HIIT workouts are sprints or bodyweight workouts with explosive exercises.
Sample HIIT bodyweight routine:
30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest x 10 rounds:
Sample HIIT workouts on a treadmill:
That's not easy, and neither is this one:
Beginner HIIT Option:
In the end, with HIIT, you want to keep your heart rate up at above 85% for 20+ seconds, then rest just long enough so it doesn't drop below 60-65% then repeat for 5-15 minutes. This is going to help your cardiorespiratory health and VO2 max, muscle maintenance, fat loss, and more.
If you'd like some more awesome HIIT moves, check out our articles on HIIT for Beginners and these awesome HIIT Treadmill Workouts.
Here are a few more pointers to help you succeed!
The following tips are essential if you want to lose weight, especially 20 pounds in as little as a month.
The 7 best tips for losing 20 pounds quickly are:
Let's look at each of these more closely.
The most basic principle of losing weight is to eat at a calorie deficit, which can be achieved in two different ways:
The best scenario is to use both of these strategies, which actually allows you to eat a little more.
Note: An appetite suppressant supplement can help curb your hunger, making keeping your calorie intake low considerably easier. Here's our recommended list of the best appetite suppressants on the market. If you don't want to read through them all, to save you time, our top pick is PhenQ (review)
Eliminating foods that are high in carbs, sugar, and overly processed will help you to quickly lose weight. You’ll find that within just a few days of eliminating these types of foods you’re not as bloated as you were, have fewer cravings, and feel fuller. This not only helps you to feel better, but it also reduces the amount of calories you're eating.
You can begin by swapping out refined grains such as pasta, white breads, cereals, and pre-packaged products for healthier alternatives. You can choose alternatives such as couscous, quinoa, brown rice, or barley.
Water is essential, and often forgotten about. Many people struggle with their energy, performance, and fat loss because they are not drinking enough water.
Drinking water does many things for our overall health and weight loss efforts - including helping to keep you feeling full and curbing your appetite. Drinking an adequate amount of water will help you to burn more calories. This is called resting energy expenditure, and it's a simple way to increase your weight loss efforts.
For maximum results, you should drink at least 34–68 fluid ounces of water per day.
Intermittent fasting is an effective way to not only lose weight but also visceral fat, which is the fat that is deep inside your body wrapping around the abdominal organs.
By fasting a specific amount of time, and eating within the allocated time frame, you’ll consume fewer calories and it will even boost your metabolism. This aids in eliminating the need to count calories. However, fasting alone isn’t going to provide you with the results you’re hoping for.
The most common intermittent fasting window is 16:8. This simply means that you’ll fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour time frame. In your eating window, you should focus on eating whole foods, foods high in fiber, and staying hydrated throughout the day for it to be more effective.
Check out our 16/8 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan to get started!
Also, get insights into the research behind working out fasted here.
Protein is an important nutrient that significantly helps to improve body composition and weight loss progress, making it an excellent food for supporting weight-loss goals.
Protein-rich foods are known to decrease belly fat, preserve your metabolism, and maintain muscle mass. But that’s not all they can do.
Protein reduces your appetite, which decreases the amount of calories you take in. You should aim to eat around .8-1 grams of protein per pound of body weight, if your calorie deficit can allow for it.
Fiber serves many purposes when trying to lose weight. It keeps you feeling full, reduces calorie intake by moving undigested food slowly through your gastrointestinal tract, and improves your overall health.
Some high-fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. And, by simply increasing your daily intake of fiber to a minimum of 14 grams per day, you can you will boost your weight loss.
Note: Fiber is not used for energy or stored in the body, so the calories of fiber don't count toward your total daily calorie intake.
No matter how much weight you want to lose, adding some type of exercise routine is a must, whether it’s cardio, weight lifting, HIIT, CrossFit, or any other exercise. Physical activity increases your heart rate, burns more calories, supports lean muscle mass, effectively amp up your weight loss efforts, and helps you to feel more satisfied and full after a meal.
With just 20-40 minutes of cardio a day five times a week, you can dramatically boost your weight loss.
Cardio ideas include:
The best part is, you can eat a little more because of your workouts. For example, if you want to eat at a deficit of 1,000 calories per day, and your workout burns 500 calories, you can add 500 more calories of eating than what you would without the workout. This is great for your metabolism and sanity!
We've covered a lot here, and we hope that you now have the resources and information needed to lose weight safely and sustainably. For many, this will likely not equate to losing 20 pounds in a month, and that's okay!
Slow and steady will help you win your weight-loss race. Keep these final tips in mind as you start on your weight loss journey.
And, remember, the best dieting approach is the one you can stick to in the long term!
Looking for more great weight loss content? Check out our article: Is It Possible To Lose 30 Pounds In A Month?
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Kirsten Yovino