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What are amino acids? Well, we can tell you that they're really important. The problem is that even though they are mentioned often, it's rare to see anyone expound on them. It would be akin to someone telling you how important vitamins are without ever going into the different vitamins, or what each vitamin does. We're going to change that with this article. You'll learn about what the amino acids are, their individual functions, and how much you need. It's a lot to break down, so let's get into it!
That's the big question, isn't it?
We'll start by asking another question; what's protein? Everyone knows what protein does, but knowing what it is is a different story. Here's the thing, the term "protein" is just terminology that refers to a long string of amino acids; more than 50. When this string of amino acids is less than 50, it's known as a "peptide."" In other words, protein is made up of amino acids, and amino acids are made up of protein.
But that still doesn't explain what amino acids are.
Amino acids are various organic compounds containing amino and carboxylic acid functional groups. Now, over 500 different amino acids have been identified. For example, creatine is actually an amino acid.
However, of these 500+, 22 stand out. These are the proteinogenic amino acids, which are usually referred to when you hear the term "amino acids" in the fitness and bodybuilding world. This group of amino acids is the only one found in the genetic code of life, as they compose proteins!
So, we've gone over what amino acids are and their general role. Now, let's get a little bit more specific. We mentioned that there are 22 amino acids that make up protein. However, of those 20, only 9 are really concerning, and 6 are a little concerning. Here's the deal.
11 of these amino acids are considered to be either non-essential or conditionally essential.
Non-essential amino acids are able to be synthesized internally through other compounds; this means you don’t need to consume them through your diet.
On the other hand, conditionally essential amino acids are amino acids that are synthesized internally in sufficient amounts under normal circumstances. However, during elevated stress, you may need to consume them through your diet.
These are the 11 non-essential and conditionally essential amino acids. We'll label the conditionally essential amino acid as *
This leaves you with 9 other amino acids collectively known as your essential ones. These amino acids are not synthesized internally, meaning you must consume them in your diet.
These 9 essential amino acids are;
Now, there's one more subgroup we need to identify first. These are the branch-chain amino acids, better known as your BCAAs. Your BCAAs are a group of three essential amino acids that are structurally unique. In addition, these three amino acids play the biggest role in muscle protein synthesis, making them pivotal in muscle building.
So, we have now labeled the amino acids and where they're grouped. There are a lot of amino acids, but we want to briefly explain the function of the essential amino acids and a few of the other amino acids used frequently in fitness, such as glutamine.
Before we get into it, realize that all these amino acids play a role in protein synthesis. Therefore, we’ll only mention this in the amino acids where it plays a crucial role.
With that said, we’ll link a much more intensive breakdown of each amino acid if you so with to visit.
Now we know that amino acids have both independent and collective functions as they build up protein. In fact, one of the primary factors determining if a protein is high-quality or not is its amino acid profile.
The amino acid profile is like the "DNA" of a protein source, and it differs between every source. This also plays a major role in the entire plant vs. animal protein debate, which we'll get into right now.
One of the biggest points of contention in the fitness industry is the battle between animal protein and plant protein. Which is better? There are many important points here, but probably the biggest is the difference between a complete protein and an incomplete protein.
Above, we spoke about the 9 essential amino acids and how you must consume them. Well, each of those can be considered a nutrient, and your body must consume a certain amount daily to meet its nutritional needs, very much like minerals and vitamins.
With that in mind, let's pretend you only eat one protein source. Now consider;
Below, we'll list the minimum percentage of each essential amino acid that a protein must have to meet these needs, assuming you eat a sufficient amount of total protein.
Remember that these are the minimum numbers; many proteins will have much higher percentages for some of these.
With that in mind, while we say "incomplete protein"," there are few true proteins that are completely missing an amino acid. Many are just insufficient in one of the essential amino acids. These will be labeled as the "limiting amino acid"." For example, many legumes, like peas, lack the amino acid methionine.
Now, while a protein may be lacking in these essential amino acids, you could technically eat it as your sole source of protein. However, you would just need to eat more to compensate for that limiting amino acid.
We want to discuss the limiting amino acid in more detail. As mentioned, it is the amino acid that is farthest away from your daily requirements. Although amino acids all have their individual functions, they also work together and are required for an array of physiological processes, including muscle protein synthesis.
This means that lacking sufficient quantities of just one amino acid can halt all other processes!
Think about a team race with 20 people. It doesn't matter if 19 members can finish the race in 1 hour; if the 20th member takes 3 hours, the whole team finishes in hours. This is why the concept of plant protein is such a hot topic.
To be clear, we are not saying that vegans can't build muscle. This is especially true today, as plenty of vegan protein powders with optimal amino acids are on the market.
However, a vegan who only eats whole foods is already challenged with getting enough total protein. If they don't eat the proper mixture of protein sources, their processes will be hampered even more!
Here's a crude thought experiment: let's say a vegan ate 150g of protein. However, their limiting amino acid equated to eating just 120g of protein; they would only get the benefits of eating those 120g.
Now, this isn't exactly how it works, as again, there are so many processes going on, but that's a good way to look at it. The best way to get around this as a vegan is to simply eat a diverse range of protein. Perhaps the most common mixture, and studies, is pea and rice protein.
So, we know you need a minimum of all the essential amino acids. Assuming those are met, there's one group of amino acids you want to have a surplus of, the BCAAs.
Numbers can vary depending on the source, but when looking at crude protein, you ideally want a protein source at least 20% BCAA. For example, if you have 100 grams of protein, you would want 20g of leucine, isoleucine, and valine.
To break this down even further, it will usually come in a 2:1:1 ratio of leucine/isoleucine/valine.
For example, here are some typical BCAA percentages and breakdowns of various proteins. Remember this is a crude protein (we'll get into that after).
As we can see, both whey and casein, milk-based proteins, have a larger percentage of BCAAs, with whey having the most. This explains why whey is the most popular source of protein powders.
That said, it's not uncommon to see high-quality protein isolates produce a protein powder with a BCAA percentage of 25% or greater. This could simply be due to the processing methods or a company purposefully adding BCAAs to their powder.
For example, Science Research Whey Protein Isolate delivers 6.9g of BCAA per 25g of protein, which is almost 28% BCAA. This is achieved by specifically adding leucine.
It's important to remember that leucine is the most important amino acid for muscle protein synthesis. To maximize muscle protein synthesis, it's generally recommended that each serving of protein delivers at least 3g of leucine, while more could be better. One of the higher thresholds we've seen is 5g.
For example, let's say you take Optimum Nutrition Gold Whey, one of the most popular protein powders on the market. One serving of 24g protein only delivers 2.64g of leucine. Therefore, you could do a scoop and a quarter or a scoop and a half to increase the leucine.
Now, let's look at the specific relationship between amino acids and muscle protein synthesis. Yes, this is why talking about amino acids can be complicated: there are so many processes going on.
That said, the most important process we're concerned with is muscle protein synthesis. Muscle protein synthesis is the process of creating new muscle tissue. While we usually associate it with resistance training or eating protein, it actually occurs at all times, albeit at different rates.
At the same time, another process occurs, which is called muscle protein breakdown. This is the process of muscle being broken down into amino acids, which are transported for certain processes. In other words, these amino acids are constantly combined to make muscle and break down. This is why your total protein intake is so important.
That said, rates of muscle protein synthesis increase during resistance training and the consumption of protein or amino acids. This leads us to the big question…
Due to the role these supplements play in muscle protein synthesis, BCAAs and EAAs are among the biggest supplements on the market. So, which one should you take?
Well, the real question is if you should take any!? This is where supplement companies trick people. Remember that BCAAs and EAAs are protein! In other words, if you're already eating sufficient amounts of protein, taking EAAs and BCAAs isn't really necessary as you're already taking them.
For example, one study that was often used was from 1997. In this study, wrestlers were in a caloric deficit and only eating around 80g of protein at an average weight of 150lbs. This is about half of what bodybuilders are generally advised to take (1g/lb or 2g/kg).
Some wrestlers were then given a large intake of 52 g of BCAAs daily. This resulted in preserving more muscle while losing some fat. While that sounds good for a sales point, it only tells us that BCAAs work well while in a caloric deficit and eating low amounts of protein.
In reality, most people eating sufficient amounts don't need supplementation. If you are training intensely with a lot of volume or frequency it may help.
However, if you did want to try, the general consensus is you should take EAAs due to the need of all the essential amino acids.
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One aspect of supplementation with amino acids is some people will claim they have 0 calories. This makes sense as many nutrition labels have them listed as having 0 amino acids. However, this is not true.
You see, nutrition labels only label our macronutrients as having calories (protein, carbs, fats). If we remember, protein is really just a bunch of amino acids and has 4 calories per gram. Therefore, this means that amino acids have about 4 calories per gram (there is variance between the individual amino acids).
However, because isolated amino acids aren’t counted as protein, they’re usually labeled as having 0 calories.
The main thing to remember when looking at amino acids is that you’re actually looking at the building blocks of protein. They support muscle growth along with a host of other functions making them a crucial part of your fitness lifestyle. Therefore, the next time you hear “amino acids”, you now know they’re talking about the building blocks of your muscle.
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