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Being skilled at calisthenics, a method of resistance training that relies on using your body weight for the load, is perhaps the most impressive form of weight lifting. After all, knocking out muscle-ups with ease while holding your body in gravity-defying positions is nothing short of a class-act show.
If you have an ambitious calisthenics end goal but know you need a well-laid-out path to get there, this calisthenics beginner workout plan is for you. In addition, we'll go over directions to perform each exercise, along with the tips you need to keep progressing.
Table of Contents:
These calisthenics workouts for beginners are relatively simple, focusing on the basics and instilling a solid calisthenics foundation. You have two sessions to alternate between, as well as a circuit to follow when time allows.
Ideally, perform each session twice weekly, making this is a 6-day split. You will use RPE for all of the exercises, excluding lunges and the circuit workout.
An RPE8 means to perform an exercise until 80% max. Your goal is to increase this amount every week. Assuming your weight isn’t a major issue, you should only need to run this calisthenics for beginners workout for 4-8 weeks before you start using more advanced calisthenics exercises.
Stay tuned following the workouts, as we'll break down how to perform each calisthenic exercise!
Let's get into the best calisthenics exercises for beginners and how to follow proper form when performing each. As we're gearing this toward beginners, each featured exercise will include its simplest version.
We recommend beginners divide exercises into 3 muscle groups:
Being a calisthenics beginner does have its advantages. One such advantage is you don't need a plethora of movements. Similar to a beginner free weight workout, you only need to focus on a few primary movements. In addition, many of these exercises can be done at home, as minimal equipment is required.
The 9 best calisthenics exercises for beginners are:
The main priority of a beginner calisthenics workout program isn't to do a bunch of fancy tricks or hit the muscle from every angle. While some variety is beneficial, your main focus is to concentrate on mastering the fundamentals.
The first group of exercises is for the upper body pushing muscles. When performing these, your ultimate goal is to eventually progress to advanced forms of the exercises.
For more great upper body exercises, check out our Calisthenics Chest Workout!
This push-up variation has you perform push-ups with your body on an incline and your head above your feet. This takes away a large percentage of your body weight, making them easier and more manageable for beginners.
While these are "incline" push-ups, they actually resemble a decline bench press, meaning you will activate the lower chest more. If you try an incline push-up and it's too challenging, you can modify this further by performing wall push-ups.
How to do Incline Push Ups:
Negative push-ups take advantage of the eccentric muscle contraction, which is when the muscle lengthens, usually during the lowering portion. This helps produce more force.
While you may not be able to do a bunch of traditional push-ups, you can knock out quite a few negative push-ups as a way to achieve muscle hypertrophy.
The set-up is the same as your traditional push-up, but you'll emphasize the "going down" part of the exercise.
How to do Negative Push-Ups:
Our last pushing movement is dips which should be in any great calisthenics arm workout. This exercise which trains your triceps, shoulders, and chest. While standard dips are tough, you can modify them by placing your feet out in front of you on the ground.
For dips, you can use one chair or a bench, two chairs (one on each side of you), or parallette bars. Utilize whatever is available to you!
How to do Dips With Feet on Ground:
These movements train all of your pulling muscles. This is primarily your back but also includes your biceps and rear deltoids.
Thanks to these exercises, you're well on your way to enjoying the many benefits of pull ups.
Chin-ups and pull-ups are very challenging movements. One of the best calisthenics exercises to prepare for these is inverted rows. What makes these more or less challenging is the angle of your body. If you adjust your bar or handles so your body lays flatter, you will have to lift a greater percentage of your body weight.
On the other hand, if you use a higher grip so that your body is more vertical, lifting is easier, which is best for beginners. This is why we like using rings, as you can easily adjust them.
If you are a true beginner, you will likely need to start with your body relatively high, around a 45-degree angle, possibly steeper. Wherever you need to start is fine. As you progress, you can lower the rings so that your body becomes more parallel to the ground.
Check out our round-up of 8 Best Calisthenics Equipment For Your Home Gym for some great ring recommendations!
How to do Inverted Ring Rows:
We're not doing machine pull-ups here, as we believe pull ups with resistance bands do a much better job preparing you for full-fledged pull ups.
The resistance band provides assistance, yet your lower body is still able to sway, activating your core strength. Further, these are easy to progress as you can use smaller bands.
Always use a quality resistance band and inspect it for wear before exercise. We recommend any of these Top 11 Resistance Bands!
How to do Resistance Band Pull Ups:
Negative chin-ups are a must for any calisthenics workout routine for beginners, as they take advantage of eccentric muscle contractions, allowing for more work.
These are performed by cheating somehow to get in the top position, with your arms fully flexed and your head above the bar. When ready, you slowly lower yourself in a controlled manner.
You generally want to start with a 3-second descent and then lengthen it from there. When you're ready, you can find more great variations and progressions of the chin up in this calisthenics back workout routine.
How to do Negative Chin Ups:
When training legs, you have three key focuses: squats, hip extensions, and lunges.
Let's get into the best beginner calisthenics leg exercises!
The body weight squat is a fundamental movement pattern that strengthens all the lower body muscles, making it an essential exercise for a best calisthenics workout for beginners.
You can not move on to more advanced exercises in a calisthenics leg workout until squats are second nature.
How to do a Bodyweight Squat:
The glute bridge is excellent for your lower body's posterior muscles. These are important as training your posterior muscles with hip extension can be difficult.
Master this move, because all other posterior exercises, such as single-leg variations and elevated glute bridges, build off of these.
How to do the Glute Bridge:
Walking lunges are one of our favorite leg exercises to use as a workout finisher. They train every muscle in the lower body as well as challenge your stabilizer muscles.
How to do Walking Lunges:
Looking for one more move that will seriously challenge you? You've got it!
The Crow Pose is probably the easiest gymnastic type movement to master. It is tough, but doable, which is exactly the type of bodyweight exercise you need to keep progressing.
The crow pose is seen in yoga and acts as a starting position for more complex movements. This movement will strengthen your shoulders and upper back while improving core strength. In addition, you'll learn to balance your body weight.
How to do Crow Pose:
Looking for ways to improve your calisthenics? By adding in harder moves, practicing throughout the day, and keeping your body fat low, you'll be able to up your game.
The 3 best tips for improving at calisthenics are:
Remember that bonus exercise, crow pose, that we just went over? A lot of the more challenging exercises require you to practice them before you can fully incorporate them into your routine.
Take the time at the end of your workout to practice mastering a challenging move. Once you do get it down, add it to your routine and find another hard exercise to work on.
Another very important part of calisthenics for beginners is controlling the amount of body fat you have. As you are lifting your own body weight, less fat means less weight, which means you can progress to difficult exercises more easily. Again, this is a significant difference between calisthenics and bodyweight exercises.
Because you won't be doing a ton of exercises, this leaves time to do some cardio, in particular HIIT and circuits. This includes various bodyweight exercises that can be performed quickly and in succession.
In the world of calisthenics, there's a practice called "greasing the groove," which is an effective way to improve your calisthenics practice.
What this phrase means is that in addition to your calisthenic workout for beginners, you should also perform a rep or two of exercises throughout the day. For example, when you wake up, get on the floor and do a couple of push-ups. You are not working to failure or anywhere close.
There's no specific number, but you shouldn't exceed 10-20% of your max reps. If you can't do more than 10, this means performing 1 or 2. The point is you're doing a few reps to train your body for the movement while avoiding any type of fatigue.
It's important to do this because it helps train your muscles to fire with efficiency. Therefore, the idea is to often perform low volume (a few reps).
Again, no optimum number has been identified, and we're not even sure there have been studies on this. But when examining anecdotal evidence and testimony from top calisthenic athletes, we would say you should do it at least twice a day apart from training. Ideally, once when you wake up and once before sleeping.
It's a good idea to find ways to do it throughout your day too, as it shouldn't be time-consuming. If you're watching TV, knock out 2-5 push-ups during a commercial. You may be surprised by how much this little trick helps.
Any lingering calisthenics questions? Let's answer them here!
Calisthenics is a method of resistance training that relies on using your body weight for the load.
With calisthenics, some exercises still require equipment, but these are typically very basic pieces of equipment that won't break the bank. We have a round-up of some of the best calisthenics equipment, including options like pull-up bars, dip stations, rings, and bands.
In addition, advanced trainees might even use external loading apparatuses, such as weighted vests, to increase the body's weight. The primary variable is that only the body is used as a load to put stress on the muscles. If weight is used, it's attached to the body somehow to make it heavier.
Calisthenics is a training method, while bodyweight training is a type of training. In other words, if someone says, "I train calisthenics," it implies it's their primary form of training, and they have the goal of mastering more advanced movements. On the other hand, bodyweight training means you use bodyweight exercises in your program, in addition to free weights and machines.
Calisthenics measures your relative strength, which is how strong you are compared to your body weight, while free weights measure your absolute strength, which is your strength regardless of your body weight.
In addition, your exercise selection is much smaller with calisthenics. With free weights, you can manipulate the weights however you like, allowing for more variation. And last, it's significantly easier to load and progress with free weights.
Interestingly, researchers have found that in the short term, calisthenics and weight exercises yield comparable physical outcomes. One study examined 15 men who adhered to a weight-based training regimen, while 17 men followed the U.S. Army's calisthenics-based Standardized Physical Training program, committing 1.5 hours per day, five days a week, for eight weeks1. By the end of the study period, both groups exhibited a similar improvement in their fitness levels.
Dig into the two types of training even more in our article: Calisthenics vs Weights: Which One Should You Do?
The elite calisthenics athletes you see today were once complete beginners themselves. This is true for literally anyone who is a master of their craft. Saying calisthenics is hard is stating the obvious.
Of course, it's hard!
But training calisthenics will get easier as you progress, and it truly is one of the most rewarding styles of strength training. When you're finally able to knock out pistol squats, the feeling of knowing you have advanced functional strength and incredible body composition will be well worth the work.
Once you've mastered our beginner routine, continue progressing and building muscle with this more advanced Calisthenics Workout. Need some essential equipment for your routine? Head to our round-up of the Best Calisthenics Equipment!
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