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Almost anyone that has ever wanted to shed some extra weight has looked into or at least considered purchasing a fat burning supplement. Since the banning of ephedra in 2004, companies making fat burning supplements have been trying to unlock the best fat burner that doesn't use potentially harmful ingredients.
With literally hundreds of options out there to choose from, Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved claims they have developed a fat burner that gives you the desired results you have been looking for.
We will take a magnifying glass to Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved and see if it can live up to its own hype.
In this article we will cover:
With well-researched, patented, ingredients, BURN EVOLVED can help you boost your metabolic rate, unleash powerful fat-burning hormones...
Now the big question, is this product worth your hard earned money? In short, no! There are several better fat burners available on the market today so we don't recommend the original Burn Evolved or Burn Evolved 2.0. Some of which might be a little more expensive, but there are also plenty out there that will be comparable price-wise.
We are going to cover why we have come to this rating based on a few categories we'll break down for you below. We recommend that you check out our post that covers some of the Best Fat Burners on the market if you're looking for a superior fat burning supplement.
Overall Verdict: FAIL
Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved is a natural fat burning supplement that uses the Burn Evolved Thermogenic Agent Matrix to burn fat, suppress your appetite, and give your energy levels a boost.
Burn Evolved promises to deliver on its claims with three parts to its formula.
The first being that Burn Evolved helps create brown adipose tissue also known as BAT or brown fat which is a type of fat. A fat burner that creates fat seems to defy logic, but brown adipose tissue actually aids in helping burn white fat. This is due to the main function of brown adipose tissue, which is thermoregulation. Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved contains several nutrients that aid with the production of brown adipose tissue to kick your body into fat burning overdrive.
The second part of the Burn Evolved formula is elevating your metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is how many calories your body burns on its own throughout the day. The addition of the brown adipose tissue will assist in raising your metabolic rate, but this is also compounded by the thermogenic fat burner ingredients which will raise your fat burning potential even higher.
The third part of the Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved formula is the expulsion of fat. While many other fat burners can leave mobilized fat in your blood which can settle in other parts of your body if it is not fully eliminated. Burn Evolved claims that once the fat is free, it is used for energy from the bloodstream, not allowing it to settle anywhere.
Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved will set you back just under $50 with other options of bundling more for some discounting. Buyer beware, if you aren't careful you can find yourself easily ordering an automatic subscription.
It is pretty hard to find Burn Evolved reviews without knowing exactly where to look. Luckily, we know where to look. Trustpilot has provided plenty of Burn Evolved reviews as well as other products from Sculpt Nation. We'll just post a few so you can get an idea of how well it worked or didn't work for some people.
Whether searching for "Burn Evolved 2.0 reviews", "Burn Evolved reviews Amazon" or "Burn Evolved reviews Reddit", you'll most likely see many unsatisfied customers as the product live up to the promise to help you lose weight.
As you can see, Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved worked for a few people, but the majority didn't have the same results. As we were going through the reviews they did seem to skew more towards the negative side, but that also could be due to people being likely to report a bad experience rather than a good one.
With well-researched, patented, ingredients, BURN EVOLVED can help you boost your metabolic rate, unleash powerful fat-burning hormones...
Looking at the natural ingredients, we will go right down the label in order of highest dosage to lowest.
Derived from green tea extract, this ingredient can be found in countless fat burning supplements. With the ability to help improve your resting fat metabolism1, green tea extract has been proven to aid in burning fat and is a decent start to this supplement.
Apple cider vinegar has been touted as an appetite suppressant which does hold true to some degree2, but these studies have not been performed on a wide scale, which doesn't give the definitive proof most people are looking for. There also is a study3 that has shown that apple cider vinegar may assist with reducing glucose response to a carbohydrate load in healthy adults and people with diabetes. While that sound very promising, much more research needs to be done on the mechanism of how apple cider vinegar makes changes to glucose.
An added benefit of apple cider vinegar powder being added to this mix is not having to drink it straight.
Capsimax™ has been found to be an effective fat burner and boosts metabolism4, showing a greater percentage of body fat and fat mass lost versus a placebo. Cayenne pepper fruit extract is pretty widely found in fat burners, so it's no surprise to see it in this weight loss supplement.
Caffeine is a well documented appetite suppressant, so it is no surprise that it has been included in this weight loss dietary supplement. There is also the added benefit of increased energy levels when taking caffeine, which may feel necessary when your calorie intake is lower than what you are used to. Caffeine has also been found to increase mental focus.
Grains of Paradise seed extract is supposed to activate and increase BAT 5. BAT is a type of fat that gets activated when the body is cold, producing heat to help with temperature regulation. So Grains of Paradise can help trick your body into thinking it's cold, so it will trigger the natural warming response, burning calories in the process.
Yohimbine hydrochloride is a stimulant that can also can be used as a fat burner, with its best results occurring during short term fasting. Yohimbe is the plant that yohimbine hydrochloride is derived from has been used as a fix for erectile dysfunction and an aphrodisiac in its native Africa.
Yohimbine hydrochloride works by upping adrenaline levels in the body and also stops a regulatory process in fat cells that usually inhibits fat burning6.
Rauwolscine is a molecule that is very similar to Yohimbine and may act in the same way. Rauwolscine does work well as a stimulant, and has also been used as an aphrodisiac as well.
So with all of these ingredients that have these supposedly amazing effects, what does Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved claim it can do? We'll look at their general claims and then dive deeper into their ingredient claims.
First off, Burn Evolved claims that it can send your metabolic rate through the roof to burn more calories, long-term. The key issue with this statement is being "long-term". Once you stop taking the supplement, your body's metabolic rate will return to normal. Also the statement that your metabolic rate will increase significantly is a bit misleading. It will increase, but the amount it actually goes up is not exactly breaking records.
Next is the claim that Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved will make your body produce BAT, which in turn will target your belly fat. While it is true that Grains of Paradise have been found to increase BAT levels in individuals whether they have naturally high or low BAT activity, saying that it can target excess fat in a certain place is not accurate. Also the amount of calories burned is not setting any records, with about 50 calories, which comes to about half of a banana.
Burn Evolved next implies that it can release your fat cells, and then burn them to help you lose weight. The study that is cited7 did come to the conclusion that Capsimax™ did increase the amount of free fatty acids in the bloodstream at two hours and two and a half hours after consumption. This study was also performed with a low dose of 2mg, not the 100mg that is in this fat burner. As far as saying they then get incinerated, that is somewhat true since free fatty acids are converted to ATP for cell energy.
The next statement is that Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved can help improve the waist-to-hip ratio. That is kind of a blanket statement for weight loss in general. If you are losing weight, then your waist line is going to shrink which will improve the ratio in itself. It also should be noted that the study they cited for that information is incorrectly linked, and the actually study can be found here8 and states that a low dose of Capsimax™ was effective in reducing the waist-hip ratio without really affecting body composition.
Just like most fat burners, Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved uses stimulants for increased energy, and they also advertise that this comes with zero jitters. While the energy claims are definitely true, the zero jitters isn't. Caffeine affects people differently and this product has several different energy sources in it. People who are sensitive to caffeine should definitely be wary and may want to look into a fat burner without the caffeine.
Burn Evolved ingredients also supposedly can help suppress appetite leading to an easier time being on a caloric restriction. While there are some elements in here that can help with keeping food cravings to a minimum, such as caffeine and Capsimax™, it feels like Sculpt Nation missed the mark a bit and could have added an ingredient such as glucomannan to really help keep you full for longer.
Something that can't be argued with at all is the lifetime money-back guarantee that Sculpt Nation offers for Burn Evolved. That is reassuring that Sculpt Nation does believe in their product even though we aren't such believers.
The major concern for Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved in terms of side effects would be the stimulants involved. The combination of caffeine, yohimbine hydrochloride, and rauwolscine can increase anxiety, high blood pressure, rapid heart palpitations, insomnia, as well as the inevitable energy crash when the effects wear off.
Also, while they are generally safe to use, capsaicin supplements have been known to cause some gastric discomfort in some users.
The main point of this post is to give an accurate review as Sculpt Nation Burn Evolved isn't the only game in town when it comes to fat burners. Below are three fat burner alternatives that we think are better options and are more effective due to our experience and overall formulations.
PhenQ is on the top of a lot of people's lists, and for good reason too. We'll run down the main active ingredients in it so you can compare.
Ingredients in PhenQ:As you can see PhenQ offers a quality product with ingredients proven to suppress appetite and be effective fat burners. The price on PhenQ is a bit higher at $70/bottle or $140 for three, but the results speak for themselves.
PhenQ is a unique and powerful new slimming formula that will help you achieve what others are just promising. With PhenQ weight loss pills, you’ll never need to worry about your weight again...
Instant Knockout is marketed towards athletes (mainly boxers and MMA fighters) to help weight loss when looking to make weight without sacrificing precious muscle.
Ingredients of Instant Knockout:
Like the PhenQ, Instant Knockout is a little more expensive at $65/bottle for a one month supply, but with the addition of L-Theanine to help curb caffeine jitters and all the other scientifically backed ingredients, it is well worth it. The downside is that the serving size is four pills a day.
Leading up to the big fight, professional MMA fighters and boxers often need to shed tens of pounds of excess fat. So, what is their secret? Instant Knockout...
For a deeper dive, check out our full Instant Knockout Review.
As mentioned above, the most common side effects are going to be jitters from the caffeine dependent on how caffeine sensitive you are. There also have been some reviews complaining of stomach discomfort.
Burn Evolved is for people that want an extra edge to lose weight when a healthy diet and exercise aren't seeming to get the desired results.
The most significant difference is the addition of apple cider vinegar powder to the formula.
If on the rare chance you do benefit from this product it would be within a few weeks after taking it regularly while sticking to a healthy diet.
Burn is the first iteration of Sculpt Nation's fat loss supplements. Made with natural ingredients to help burn extra calories while eating a proper diet, it has been improved upon with the release of Burn Evolved 2.0.
Our favorite alternatives to Burn Evolved are PhenQ and Instant Knockout.
We've laid out what Burn Evolved has to offer along with a few other weight loss products. Overall we think Burn Evolved is a sub-par fat burner in today's market. If the price was halved then it might be a decent purchase but there are much better fat burners out there like PhenQ.
If you were going to buy Burn Evolved it might be worth paying a little extra to get a proven weight loss product that will help curb your appetite so you can get the most effective fat burner possible.
PhenQ is a unique and powerful new slimming formula that will help you achieve what others are just promising. With PhenQ weight loss pills, you’ll never need to worry about your weight again...
If you're looking for a roundup of the best fat burners on the market then you should check out the Top Fat Burners For Men or the Top Fat Burners For Women to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
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