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When men get into their 40s, hormone production slows down, gradual loss of muscle tissue and bone mass kicks in, and it takes longer to recover from exercise. The best way to combat these age-related declines is to eat well and exercise.
However, once those two elements are in place, supplements can provide an excellent third line of defense.
The supplement market is saturated. For a guy in his 40s trying to work out what brand and type of supplements he needs to meet his nutritional needs, it can all be pretty confusing, which is why we did the work for you, researching and discovering the 7 best supplements for men over 40. We've separated them by category to make it even easier for you to find what you need.
Table of Contents:
Let's get right into our buyer's guide for men over 40 who want the best, most effective supplements, along with a discussion of the science backed evidence supporting supplementation.
Your body receives a daily dosage of high-potency vitamins and minerals from GNC Mega Men Sport, including 500% more vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance and 100% of your daily requirement for vitamin B1. This supplements is designed to improve muscle function, support a healthy metabolism, and provide bone and joint support.
This multivitamin is made up of a number of blends. These include a Branch Chain Amino Acid Blend, Sports Blend, Creatine Precursor Blend, and Joint Cushion Support Blend to increase your gym endurance and speed up post-workout recovery.
Here's an overview of what each blend contains:
You also get clinically approved dosages of vitamins A, C, D, E K, B12, B6, zinc and magnesium. It all adds up to a powerful combination of micronutrients to boost the health and vitality of men in their 40s and beyond.
GNC Mega Men Sport Multivitamin provides key nutrients for men’s health, performance, muscle function and immune health, plus antioxidants...
BulkSupplements Creatine Monohydrate is a basic, no frills product that gives you nothing but pure, micronized creatine. The micronized form means that the particles are broken down to allow for easier absorption in water and faster digestion into the body.
Each bag of BulkSupplements Creatine Monohydrate contains 250 grams on creatine, though you can buy it in different amounts. With a recommended daily dose of 5g, that is enough for a 50 day supply. The price works out to a little less than 50 cents per day, which represents very good value for money.
BulkSupplements also sell a capsule version of this product. However, it requires taking 7 capsules per day, which is a lot!
BulkSupplements creatine delivers 5g of micronized creatine in each serving to aid in your muscle building...
TestoFuel is a natural testosterone-boosting supplement that uses natural herbal-based ingredients to boost the body's natural production of testosterone. It accomplishes this by assisting the body's natural production of more testosterone.
Male growth hormone known as testosterone is essential for the development of strength and muscle. Yet, we all naturally lose testosterone as we age. Both athletes and those who are sedentary can use TestoFuel to increase their "T" levels.
TestoFuel contains 10 ingredients that have been shown to boost testosterone levels. These are:
The serving size is four capsules per day, so each 120-capsule container provides you with a one month supply.
TestoFuel is considered to be a revolutionary, exhaustively researched muscle building supplement with one very focused aim...to smash down the barriers to growth by opening your testosterone floodgates...
Kori Pure Antarctic Krill Oil is an omega-3 superfood. It contains essential Omega-3 EPA & DHA in their most natural form with extra nutrients to boost heart, brain, joint, eye, skin, and immune health. Kori delivers Omega-3s in their most natural phospholipid and triglyceride form. This allows for better absorption and digestibility.
There is no fishy aftertaste with Kori Krill Oil, which is a very good thing. This supplement includes choline to improve brain and nervous system health. There is also a powerful antioxidant called astaxanthin in Kori Krill Oil that isn't usually found in other Omega-3 supplements like fish oil.
Kori Pure Antarctic Krill Oil has essential Omega-3 EPA & DHA in their most natural form plus more nutrients for your best heart, brain, joint, eye, skin and immune health...
Havasu Nutrition L-Arginine Saw Palmetto combines a 500 mg saw palmetto blend with another 50 mg blend that contains green coffee blend extract, green tea extract, turmeric root extract, tart cherry, blueberry, broccoli, and kale. You also get 500mg of L-Arginine HCL.
This combination of ingredients is designed to promote prostate health, while also boosting antioxidant ability to fight off the effects of free radical stress. It also includes a range of important minerals to boost overall health and improve energy levels.
Havasu Nutrition sells seven different varieties of saw palmetto supplements, each with a specific focus. That makes them one of the best supplement manufacturers for guys wanting to protect against prostate problems.
Our product is formulated with saw palmetto berries - the most potent part of the natural, herbal plant. The berries of the plant are commonly used to improve prostate health...
Triquetra Selenium provides you with a fast-absorbing liquid form of essential selenium to boost antioxidant power and fight free radicals. It also helps to increase the body's glutathione levels and reduce inflammation. The formula used in this product is based on the most effective form of selenium, known as L-selenomethionine.
Taking selenium in liquid form is absorbed faster by the body than in capsule form. That is because it can be directly taken into the bloodstream, so that you don't have to break it down in the body.
Triquetra Selenium can be added to any meal or drink to boost its health giving properties.
Our formulation is derived from the most effective L-selenomethionine form. The liquid concentrate provides versatile and convenient use; add a few drops to any beverage or meal for rapid nourishment...
Metamucil Psyllium Husk Fiber contains pure psyllium husk which forms a gel that helps trap and remove the waste that builds up in the gut. It also helps to suppress the appetite and improve digestion which can help you lose weight over time. Metamucil is one of the most trusted brands in the supplement industry, being the most doctor-recommended brand in the world.
Each container of Metamucil Psyllium Husk Fiber contains 300 capsules. The daily dose is between 2-5 capsules. There is no sugar or other additives in this product, but it does include gelatin in the capsule. As a result, this is not a vegan-friendly supplement.
By trapping and removing the waste that weighs you down by making Metamucil a part of your daily fiber routine...
There are hundreds of supplements that men over 40 could take. But the supplements they should take are those that help to combat the age-related declines that are naturally taking place within their bodies. These include the decline in testosterone production, the slowing of metabolism, and the loss of bone and muscle tissue.
Here's a rundown of the most important supplements for men over 40.
Vitamin D3 is involved in the production of testosterone, the main anabolic hormone. From the age of around 30, men's production of testosterone begins to decline. The main source of Vitamin D3 is the sun, yet many men over 40 tend to spend most of their day out of it. Taking a D3 supplement will ensure that they are getting adequate levels.
As we age, our bones become weaker and less brittle. That's partly because of a loss of calcium. This mineral also improves muscle contraction and cardiovascular health.
Magnesium plays an important role in the production of testosterone in the body and can help improve healthy sexual function. Lack of magnesium results from soil depletion, making as irritable and increasing our stress levels. That's because magnesium helps to lower cortisol levels. Lower cortisol levels have been associated with weight loss. So, by taking a magnesium supplement you will giving yourself an edge in your weight loss efforts.
Potassium is a key mineral that promotes many health benefits, among which is maintaining stable blood pressure levels. This is an important factor for men over the age of 40, who typically see unhealthy increases in both their systolic and diastolic levels.
There has been a lot of recent research into the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. The more evidence that emerges, the stronger the arguments to include it in a supplementation program for men over the age of 40.
Omega-3 fatty acids improve joint and bone strength. They also boost brain and heart health. What's more they have even been shown to help reduce the risk of stroke in men over 40.
The human body is unable to produce omega-3 fatty acids on its own. The best food sources are krill, fatty fish, nuts and flaxseed. But getting it through a daily supplement makes a lot of sense. When looking for an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, make sure that it includes EPA and DHA, the two most important forms.
Saw Palmetto has been used for centuries to treat urinary and prostate problems. Its science-backed ability to help prevent benign prostate cancer makes it a very important supplement for men over the age of 40.
Fiber is the indigestible part of plants that travels through the body. In the process, it acts as a digestive cleanser, along with other benefits. There are two types of fiber; soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and has been shown to help reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels and stabilize blood glucose. Some forms of fiber, such as glucomannan, are able to swell in the stomach, filling you up and acting as a natural appetite suppressant.
Selenium is a trace element that functions as a potent antioxidant, defending cells against harm from free radicals. These are waste products produced as a consequence of metabolism and as a result of exposure to pollutants in the environment. Free radicals have an unbound electron, and when their number outnumbers the antioxidants that can donate an electron, a domino effect occurs that results in an oxidative stress state.
The inflammatory disease process associated with serious medical conditions like cancer, heart disease, and arthritis has been linked to oxidative stress. It is also believed to be the cause of a lot of other aging-related health issues. An antioxidant, such as selenium, can help negate the effects of oxidative stress.
Creatine is a non-protein amino acid that is used as a supplement to boost sports performance and aid in muscle rehabilitation. It is made in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas and is then stored in the muscles to power muscle contraction.
Creatine supplements have been shown to enhance performance during exercise, improve muscle contractions, develop lean muscle mass, reduce injury, and speed up recovery after exercise. For men over 40, this is especially important because, by this age, most men have started to suffer the slow drop of testosterone which is a normal part of their hormonal lifecycle. Loss of lean muscle mass is one of the physiological changes that occur when testosterone levels fall. Creatine supplementation will help offset this effect.
Vitamin B12, which the body cannot produce, is involved in the formation of red blood cells, while also supporting bone health. Research suggests that it may also help to prevent macular degeneration, improve mood and fight against depression. A deficiency of Vitamin B12 has also been associated with loss of memory and other cognitive decline.
Smart, targeted supplementation, in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise, is a common-sense move that will enhance a man's well-being and overall vitality. here are four science backed benefits of taking a supplement if you re a man over the age of 40.
As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone. This key anabolic hormone controls sexual functioning, and muscle mass and is a key to energy and virility. After the age of 30, though, we lose about 1% of our 'T' levels per year. So a 40-year-old has 10% less testosterone that when he was 30.
Taking a supplement that includes natural testosterone boosting ingredients can help the body to naturally increase its testosterone level. this is very different from testosterone replacement therapy or taking anabolic steroids.1
As a result of our fast-paced lifestyles, combined with soil depletion and poor food choices, many men in their 40s and beyond are not getting the nutrients that their bodies need to function optimally. Even when you do strive to make healthy food choices, the nutrient quality of our fruits and vegetables is not what they once were. For example, an apple from a hundred years ago, would have been vastly superior in terms of nutrient quality and quantity than one that fell off the tree yesterday.2
Taking a daily supplement makes it easy for men over 40 to counter the nutrient deficiencies in food and get the right nutrients in the right quantities.
As a result of the natural age-related decline that starts to take effect from around the age of 40, men may begin to experience memory loss, fuzzy thinking, and a slowing of reaction time. By taking targeted supplements, such as the B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D, they are able to counter these effects, improving their brain health and reducing their likelihood of developing such conditions as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.3
Many men in their 40's suffer from gut health and digestive issues. According to the father of medicine, Hippocrates, 'all diseases start in the gut'. Those wise words have been proven true, making it all the more important that men in their 40s don't just ignore such issues. By taking the right supplements, they will be able to boost their gut health, ensuring efficient, problem free digestion, greater energy and better mental health.4
The number of supplement choices for men over 40 is staggering. That makes finding the best supplement to meet their needs a vary daunting task. Here are four key things to look to help you narrow down your choices.
The quality of a supplement comes down to the ingredients. We've already identified the most important ingredients in a supplement for men over 40. Here's a recap:
Look for supplement manufacturers who employ 3rd party testing laboratories to test the potency and purity of their products. This gives you confidence that what you are putting into your body is exactly what is printed on the product label.
The price of supplements for men over 40 tends to vary quite widely depending on the type of ingredient. The seven best supplements reviewed on this page range from around 50 cents per serving for a creatine powder supplement to about a dollar per serving for a complete multivitamin product.
Check online reviews for any supplement brand you are considering purchasing. Take special note of any reactions people have had to the product, as well as how effective it appears to be. Look also for signs of questionable customer service specially when a verified purchaser has had a problem.
Let's answer some frequently asked questions about supplements for men over 40.
A good vitamin for men is Vitamin B12. This vitamin supports bone health, increases energy and helps to offset age related macular degeneration.
The most important supplements for men over 40 are vitamin D, vitamin b12, creatine, saw palmetto, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and potassium.
The top concern for men over 40 is the risk of developing prostate cancer. By combining a healthy diet, with exercise and supplementation they can help to reduce that risk. The best supplement ingredient in this regard is saw palmetto. Men over the age of 40 should also get their prostate checked every 3-5 years.
The key macronutrients for a 40 year old man are protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates. When it comes to micronutrients, men in the 40s should be getting plenty of vitamins D and B12, magnesium, creatine, saw palmetto, selenium and potassium.
Men in their 40s and beyond need to take action to offset the age related declines that are happening within their bodies. In addition to following a sensible, healthy diet and exercising, a smart supplementation program will provide the nutritional armor they need to maintain optimal health as they age.
The best overall supplement for men over 40 is GNC Mega Men Sport, which provides a high-potency blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to deliver time-released nutrients that support your immune system, energy production, cardiovascular health.
For more great supplements, check out the Best Multivitamins For Men and the 8 Best Supplements For Cutting.
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