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To lose body fat, you must take in fewer calories than you burn. That means eating less food. Controlling your appetite is the biggest challenge to success in that equation. Hunger pangs and cravings can easily lead to food binges, resulting in weight gain.
Appetite-suppressant supplements are designed to combat the hunger problem. They contain natural ingredients that help you to feel full and stop you from heading to the fridge between your scheduled meals. Many appetite suppressants also contain compounds to boost metabolism and increase the body's ability to burn fat.
This article reviews the six best appetite-suppressant pills on the market. We will also dig into the research-based benefits of appetite suppressants and highlight the best natural ingredients to look for when buying an appetite-suppressing fat-loss supplement.
PhenQ has been a top-selling fat loss supplement for several years. Over that time, it has garnered thousands of 5-star reviews online. It is manufactured by a company called Wolfsen Berg, which produces a range of popular health-promoting supplements.
In addition to being an appetite suppressant, PhenQ uses four other mechanisms to promote weight loss. It is also a fat burner, a thermogenic booster, an energy enhancer, and a mood elevator.
A standout ingredient in PhenQ is A-Lacy's Reset, which is a combination of alpha-lipoic acid (blood sugar regulator) and cysteine (replenishes the most potent antioxidant in your body, glutathione & promotes brain health).
Compared to placebo and other weight-loss substances, the manufacturer claims that A-Lacys Reset can reduce body weight by up to 3.44%, body fat by 7.24%, and even increase lean muscle mass by 3.80%.
Other ingredients in PhenQ include:
We've tried and tested PhenQ and were thoroughly surprised by the results. In our experience PhenQ is one of the best options on the market. Just remember to see the tangible results you'll need to eat properly and stick to a consistent training regimen.
Your purchase of PhenQ comes with free shipping and a 60-day money-back guarantee.
PhenQ is a natural weight management system that targets 5 key areas of metabolic health to help shed excess fat, crush cravings, and support natural energy...
PhenQ PM is a complementary product to the original PhenQ. It will also reduce your appetite and speed up your metabolism. The ingredients have also been selected to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep and cut out evening cravings.
The ingredient complex that makes up PhenQ PM include arginine, 5-HTP, biotin, lysine, chromium, and molybdenum. These are designed to release all three phases of nighttime fat burning:
Let's look a little closer at the vital active ingredients.
Our bodies undergo a variety of metabolic processes when we sleep, including the repair of damaged tissue, the forming of memories, and protein synthesis. In addition, our body needs the energy from the fatty deposits built up on the stomach and other areas to power all these reactions.
Three factors typically impact these reactions: the rate of muscle growth, the level of stress, and food desires. PhenQ PM accelerates these metabolic processes to promote faster fat loss while you're sleeping.
Like the original PhenQ, this product comes with free worldwide shipping and a 60-day money-back guarantee.
PhenQ PM is a natural weight regulating formula that optimizes all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning — so you can melt excess pounds, crush hunger cravings, and reboot your metabolism — all while you sleep...
Trimtone is another appetite-suppressing supplement that is specifically designed for women. It is produced by the same people who put out PhenGold, Swiss Research Labs. Unlike some other appetite suppressants for women that require taking up to six capsules daily, the serving size is one per day.
TrimTone has a metabolism posting focus as well as promoting appetite suppression. It contains the following key ingredients:
The last of these is a compound you may not be familiar with. The calorie-burning effects of grains of paradise help to keep your body warm by triggering brown adipose tissue. Blood sugar levels are also controlled by activating brown adipose tissue, which reduces the desire to eat.
Swiss Research Labs offer a 100-day money-back guarantee, along with free shipping throughout the United States and the UK.
Trimtone contains only the good stuff straight from mother nature. No fillers, no fake-stuff, and absolutely, positively no nasties. What you see is what you get...
Roar Ambition produces the popular and effective Instant Knockout. Their three core products—Instant Knockout, Testofuel, and 4Gauge—have all been very successful. They have offices in both the UK and the USA. Since 2012, they have existed, and most recently, they have partnered with renowned athletes like MMA fighter Diego Sanchez and 70s bodybuilding star Robby Robinson.
Instant Knockout is made up of nine active ingredients that have both thermogenic and non-thermogenic benefits. By inducing the body to produce heat, a thermogenic reaction increases metabolism and reduces appetite.
The main thermogenic ingredients in Instant Knockout include caffeine, green tea extract, and cayenne pepper seeds. The main non-thermogenic ingredient in this product is glucomannan, a well-known hunger suppressant. B6 and B12, two essential B vitamins, keep everything together and give you an extra surge of vitality.
Instant Knockout Cut utilizes the latest advances in natural weight loss understanding to produce a supplement that is in the corner of professional athletes around the world...
PhenGold is a combination fat burner and appetite suppressant that is produced by a company called Swiss Research Labs. It contains the following nine ingredients:
This fat-loss supplement includes more caffeine than most appetite suppressants. There are actually three sources of caffeine - caffeine anhydrous, green tea extract, and green coffee bean extract. So, this product should only be taken by people who have a good level of tolerance for caffeine.
According to the official PhenGold website, this product will increase your fat-burning ability by increasing fat loss, boosting the metabolism, enhancing energy levels, suppressing the appetite, and improving focus and mood.
PhenGold is a vegan-friendly product that is also gluten, dairy, and soy free. Swiss Research Labs provide free shipping worldwide along with a 100-day money-back guarantee.
PhenGold supports your weight loss efforts by boosting your energy and improving your mood, helping make dieting a more pleasant, positive experience...
Zotrim is a fat-burning supplement made specifically for women by a UK-based company named Health Nutrition Limited. It's intended to assist people in breaking unhealthy eating habits and starting the body's natural fat-burning activities.
This long-standing appetite suppressant has been around for over a decade. It is designed to achieve weight loss through a combination of appetite suppression, reducing food cravings, boosting metabolism, and promoting thermogenesis.
The key ingredients in Zotrim are Damian leaf extract, yerba mate, guarana seed extract, caffeine, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6. While the dosages are generally in line with recommendations, the exception is caffeine. You only get 75 mg of caffeine per dose. That is about the same as you'd find in a standard cup of coffee and is too low to bring on any significant thermogenic or other fat loss benefits.
Unlike most other products on this list, Zotrim can be purchased from the official product website as well as from Amazon and other 3rd party retailers. This is the lowest-priced of the six products on this appetite suppressant review page.
By helping you break bad eating habits like overeating and snacking between meals, Zotrim enables you to cut your daily calorie intake with ease...
Appetite-suppressant supplements are natural fat-loss products that usually contain herbal ingredients. They are designed to suppress the appetite by reducing hunger pangs, making you feel satiated, and stopping you from craving foods that will not help you meet your weight loss goals.
When you take an appetite-suppressing supplement, you are increasing your likelihood of being able to maintain a daily caloric deficit. This is when you consume fewer calories than your body needs to meet its energy needs. When that happens, your body is forced to turn to its stored fat reserves to meet its energy needs.
One way to establish a daily caloric deficit is to exercise. However, reducing your food intake is a far more effective way to do so. Of course, you should still exercise to burn calories, but the focus of your efforts should be to eat less. After all, having the ability to not eat a 700-calorie piece of cake is a lot less work than running for an hour to burn off 700 calories.
There are two mechanisms that an appetite-suppressing fat-loss supplement may use. The first is to take up room in the stomach in order to make you full and satisfied. These types of appetite-suppressing supplements include ingredients that are high in fiber, such as glucomannan, rye bran, and nopal.
The great thing about such ingredients is that they are able to add bulk to your stomach without any additional calorie count. Fiber also digests very slowly so that the signal to your brain that you are satiated will continue for a long time after you take the supplement. However, not all soluble fibers are able to have this effect. That's why it's important to carefully check the ingredient list to make sure that you are getting the right type to keep you full. Check below in our ingredients section for the best fiber types to fill you up.
The other way that appetite suppressants work is to affect brain chemicals so that the message that you are hungry does not reach your brain. Some stimulant-type ingredients that also increase thermogenesis can do this. In this case, the ingredients essentially trick the brain into thinking that you are full even when you are not.
There are many prescription medications that produce the same brain chemical changing effect to make you feel that you are full. However, they often come with major side effects that may well outweigh the benefits you get from the medication. Of course, you also need a prescription to obtain these pills.
Appetite-suppressant supplements will usually combine one or both of the appetite-suppressing methods just mentioned with other fat-loss mechanisms. These may include:
When it comes to the safety of appetite suppressants, there is a big difference between natural supplements such as those reviewed here and prescription-based products. Over-the-counter supplements are based on natural herbs and vitamins and so are generally very safe. They are usually dosed in quantities that will not provide any problems in terms of adverse side effects.
It's important to adhere to the suggested dosage guidelines when taking an appetite suppressant or any other type of weight loss supplement. This is not a case where more is better. If you double the dosage of such ingredients as caffeine or another stimulant you are likely to end up with a wired, jittery feeling, followed by an energy crash that leaves you feeling flat and fatigued.
People who have an underlying health condition should consult their doctor before taking an appetite suppressant. People who suffer from an eating disorder are advised not to take these products.
There are ingredients in some appetite-suppressing supplements that may interact with prescription medications. So, if you are on doctor-prescribed medications, check with a medical professional before taking an appetite suppressant.
Make sure that you are maintaining a healthy balanced diet while taking an appetite suppressant. You should also be exercising consistently to burn off extra calories.
Appetite suppressants are by no means magic weight loss pills. Sometimes manufacturers of these products over-inflate the benefits, giving users false expectations of what they can expect to achieve.
Here is an overview of the benefits of appetite suppressants as supported by scientific research. And for even more information, check out our article: Do Appetite Suppressants Work?
Appetite-suppressing supplements may include such ingredients as caffeine and yerba mate to give you an energy surge. This will stimulate you to a greater level of movement. As a result, you will potentially burn more calories and meet your daily negative calorie goal. You will also be able to train harder in the gym when you take these products.¹
The key benefit of an appetite-suppressing supplement is to help you to avoid overeating. This may be done by filling up bulk in the stomach, interrupting the hunger messages to the brain, or a combination of both.
By helping you to feel full, you will be more successful in achieving your reduced calorie goal. People who are following an intermittent fasting lifestyle will benefit greatly from such a supplement as it will help them to feel full without adding any calories.²
Weight loss is the ultimate end goal of any appetite-suppressing supplement. This is achieved through a number of means, including appetite suppression, increasing the body's core temperature through a process called thermogenesis, increasing energy levels, boosting the metabolism, and enhancing mental focus.³
Cravings are often the thing that jeopardizes people's fat loss goals. If you give in to a single craving while you are out and about, you're likely to blow out your calorie-reducing ambitions for that day. By making you feel full and interfering with the brain's chemistry so that hunger pangs do not reach the brain, you are able to prevent the food cravings that can lead you astray.⁴
You will find all sorts of ingredients listed on appetite suppressant ingredients. These products often contain compounds that don't have any solid research to support their inclusion. The following ingredients are the key compounds with clinical results supporting their inclusion in appetite suppressant supplements.
The natural, water-soluble dietary fiber glucomannan is extracted from the roots of the konjac tree. Because it absorbs water and expands to build bulk in your stomach, glucomannan can help you feel full for only a few calories.
It's interesting to note that glucomannan has long been utilized as a thickening or gelling ingredient in traditional Japanese cuisine. It is affectionately referred to as "the broom of the intestines" in Japan!
Glucomannan is a form of fiber that is digested very slowly. as a result, it will delay stomach emptying so that you feel fuller for longer.
The research to support glucomannan's weight loss ability is mixed. In one meta-study, no significant weight loss results were found, while other studies have shown that it does have value as a weight loss supplement ingredient. You can learn more about this in our article: Glucomannan For Weight Loss: Does It Work & How To Take?
Clinical studies generally use a glucomannan dosage of 1-3 grams daily.⁵
Chromium is a dietary supplement that supports insulin action and metabolism. Additionally, it can aid in keeping your cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check.
Because it promotes metabolism, chromium helps your body burn down fats and carbohydrates more quickly. Though scientists have not verified the antioxidant capabilities of chromium, it may be an antioxidant to help the body rid itself of pollutants.
The National Library of Medicine defines picolinate as "a pyridine monocarboxylate produced by the removal of a proton from the carboxyl group of picolinic acid." It is marketed as a weight-loss supplement when taken with chromium because its combined effects on the body's metabolism and quick breakdown of fats and carbohydrates boost each other's effectiveness.
Along with being utilized as an appetite suppressant, this compound has also been used to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol issues.
The generally recommended daily dosage of chromium picolinate is 200 mcg. The vast majority of top supplements contain 200 mcg and should be taken about with meals.⁶
Unroasted coffee beans are known as green beans. Chlorogenic acid, a substance found in green coffee beans, has been shown to be helpful for treating diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and weight loss, among other conditions. The amount of chlorogenic acid decreases when green coffee beans are roasted to become ordinary coffee beans.
Green coffee bean extract changes how your body handles blood sugar and your overall metabolism when used in conjunction with a good diet and exercise routine. Clinical studies have demonstrated that green coffee bean supplements may aid in weight loss by lowering body fat through blood sugar regulation.
According to studies, ingesting green coffee bean extract promotes a more effective metabolism of body fat. By altering the muscle-to-fat ratio and boosting lean muscle, green coffee bean supplements can change your Body Mass Index (BMI). Food cravings can be avoided by maintaining stable blood sugar levels; therefore, consuming green coffee bean extract can also make you feel fuller for longer.⁷
The recommended daily dosage for green coffee bean extract is 400 mg, taken up to three three times.
The Asclepiadaceae herb family includes the edible succulent cactus species Caralluma fimbriata. This herb is well-known as a famine food since it is believed to reduce hunger during times of famine and grows wild throughout India.
Polyphenols, flavonoids, and megastigmane glycosides are only a few of the plant's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Additionally, it has ingredients that may lower hunger and act as fat burners by preventing the body from producing fat.
Because Caralluma fimbriata is a natural appetite suppressor, it is utilized in conventional medicine to treat obesity. According to theory, the succulent inhibits the actions of specific enzymes involved in fat synthesis. As a result, the body is compelled to burn stored fat, which can result in weight reduction.
According to a pilot study that was published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine, taking Caralluma fimbriata supplements may help prevent obesity because it helps people manage their eating habits. For 12 weeks, participants took two 500-milligram capsules twice a day, and their nutritional intake and exercise were also tracked on a weekly basis.
Following the intervention, those in the experimental group reduced their weight circumference by 6.5 centimeters as opposed to 2.6 centimeters in the placebo group.⁸
The recommended dosage for caralluma fimbriata is 1000 mg.
Garcinia cambogia is a sour-tasting fruit that resembles a pumpkin. It is native to Southeast Asia. Locals have been using Garcinia cambogia for years as a potent natural cure for inflammatory and digestive disorders, as well as a condiment to make food more substantial and enjoyable.
Hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, is the primary compound present in the rind of the Garcinia cambogia fruit. Clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of Garcinia cambogia as a weight-management supplement, which also reduces hunger and slows the body's production of fat.
According to studies, Garcinia cambogia helps people lose weight by blocking the enzyme that turns the carbohydrates we eat into fat. It has been demonstrated that increasing your body's glycogen reserves will help you feel fuller longer. The liver turns carbohydrates into glycogen when it is unable to convert them to fat.
Beyond its potential to act as a barrier between carbohydrates and fat, Garcinia cambogia supplementation aids in weight loss by raising serotonin levels.⁹
The recommended dosage for Garcinia cambogia is 500 mg daily.
Green tea extract, made from the tea plant's natural dried leaves (Camellia sinensis), has been consumed and used medicinally in Asia for a very long time. Natural caffeine included in green tea extract has the power to stimulate the central nervous system, increasing the body's capacity to burn additional calories and undesirable fat.¹⁰
Catechins abound in green tea extract while also having a respectable amount of caffeine. It is this combination of components that gives green tea extract its weight loss effects.
By controlling the hormones that can boost thermogenesis, catechins and caffeine have both been demonstrated to help people lose weight. Your body burns calories during the process of thermogenesis to digest food and generate heat.
It has been demonstrated that green tea accelerates this procedure by increasing your body's capacity to burn calories, which may result in weight loss.
The recommended dosage for green tea extract is 250-500 mg daily.
Yerba mate is a South American plant that frequently reaches heights of over 10 meters and is a member of the Holly family.
Known mostly for its ability to improve cognitive function, yerba mate is an excellent herb for maintaining calm and alertness. Although it contains caffeine, it also contains antioxidants like theobromine, which helps to relax the mind. These ingredients work together with the caffeine to give a calm and focused stimulation.
Since yerba mate contains a high concentration of antioxidants, in addition to enhancing cognition, it also benefits the immune system and heart health.¹¹
The recommended dosage for yerba mate is 1000-1500 mg.
The "conjugated" prefix refers to how the double bonds are arranged in the fatty acid molecule.
There are 28 varieties of CLA.
These forms differ from one another due to the different arrangements of their double bonds. It's crucial to remember that something as minute as this can have a vast impact on our cells.
In essence, CLA is an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid. In other words, it is technically trans fat, albeit a natural kind that is present in many nutritious foods.
Studies on animals indicate that CLA may lower body fat in a number of ways.
It was discovered in animal tests to decrease food intake, boost fat burning, promote fat breakdown, and prevent fat synthesis.
The gold standard of human scientific testing, randomized controlled trials, have also been used extensively to study CLA, albeit the findings have been conflicting.
According to some research, CLA can significantly reduce fat in humans. By lowering body fat and boosting muscular mass, it may also help to enhance body composition.¹²
Numerous studies, however, reveal no effect at all.
The recommended dosage for CLA is 3.2-6.4 mg daily.
The bitter orange citrus fruit naturally contains a chemical called synephrine (Citrus aurantium). Synephrine has a similar structural makeup to ephedrine, the active compound in ephedra. This was a very successful weight loss product that was banned by the FDA in 2004 because it was shown to increase heart rate and blood pressure, and heart attack risk.
Another compound in bitter orange is limonene, which may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is included in dietary supplements to aid with weight loss or boost athletic performance. Since ephedrine, a similar chemical, was outlawed, synephrine use has surged.¹³
The recommended dosage for bitter orange is 10-20 mg, taken three times daily.
5-HTP is well-known for helping people lose weight, and studies have shown that it also curbs hunger. It seems to accomplish this by enhancing serotonin synthesis in the brain. Although 5-HTP hasn't been well studied, certain double-blind and human trials have suggested that it aids in weight loss.
Hormones that make you feel hungry can be produced more as you lose weight. These sensations of continual hunger might make weight loss difficult to maintain over time.
These hormones that make you feel hungry may be countered with 5-HTP, reducing appetite and aiding in weight loss.
Twenty diabetic participants were randomized to take 5-HTP or a placebo for two weeks in one study. According to the findings, those who took 5-HTP consumed about 435 fewer calories per day than those who received a placebo.¹⁴
Additionally, 5-HTP predominantly reduced the consumption of calories from carbs, which was linked to improved blood sugar regulation.
Additional investigations have revealed that 5-HTP boosted sensations of satiety.
The recommended dosage for 5-HTP is 250-300 mg, taken 30 minutes before eating.
What real people say about these ingredients: If you are skeptical about whether these ingredients work, check out this discussion on Reddit about supplements that actually work to suppress hunger. You'll see all of these ingredients mentioned in there (plus more, which some of the appetite suppressant supplements we covered include as well) because they really do work.
It is easy to get swayed by the often over-the-top marketing claims made by natural appetite suppressant supplements. Here are five areas to consider to make sure that you're getting a quality appetite suppressant rather than a dud.
In the previous section, we've laid out a pretty detailed overview of the key ingredients to look for in an appetite suppressant supplement. Check the label on any product you are considering. If it doesn't contain at least 4-5 of them, move on.
Even if a supplement contains all of the best ingredients, it won't do you any good if it's underdosed. Check the dosages on the ingredient list against the recommended dosages listed in the previous section.
Companies that use 3rd party testing have gone the extra mile to ensure the purity and potency of their products. We strongly recommend dealing with these companies. You should also buy supplements that state the individual doses of the ingredients rather than grouping ingredients together as a proprietary blend.
The price of appetite supplements ranges quite widely. The top six that made it to our list vary from approximately $50 to $70 for a one-month supply.
By reading online reviews from verified purchasers, you can gain insight into how the product works on real people. Take note of how quickly the appetite suppressant effect kicks in, how long it lasts, and whether or not it is accompanied by any unpleasant side effects.
Taking an appetite suppressant should be just one part of an overall weight loss program. To get the most benefit, follow these guidelines:
The key here is not to go beyond the stated dosage. If the manufacturer recommends taking the supplement three times daily before meals, then you should follow that guideline rather than taking them all at the start of the day.
The key to weight loss is not supplementing; it is changing your diet. Reduce your caloric intake by about 500 calories daily and cut out sugary, simple carbohydrates and trans-fat-rich foods.
You should do a combo of strength training and cardiovascular exercise to burn calories. We recommend mixing up high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with low-intensity steady-state cardio exercise for the best results.
The best supplement for appetite control is PhenQ. It contains proven appetite-suppressing ingredients and works through five different fat-loss mechanisms. PhenQ has proven to be an effective fat loss supplement, with thousands of 5-star reviews online. Check out our full PhenQ Review!
An appetite suppressant supplement that includes water-soluble fiber-based ingredients that will take up bulk in your stomach as good for appetite suppression. Eating protein-rich snacks is another good idea, as protein is a very satiating macronutrient.
Natural appetite suppressants are generally safe so long as they are taken in accordance with the dosage directions. They contain herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients that are safe.
In contrast, many prescription-based appetite suppressant supplements do contain synthetic ingredients that are potentially dangerous.
An appetite suppressant should be taken by a person who is already following a healthy, calorie-reduced diet. They should also be doing regular exercise. Taking an appetite suppressant without these other two steps will basically be a waste of time and money.
Over-the-counter appetite suppressants are better than prescription supplements because they do not carry the same level of side effects. That is because they contain only natural, herbal-based ingredients. In contrast, prescription appetite suppressants contain synthetic (man-made) ingredients that often come with a laundry list of side effects.
Appetite-suppressant supplements will help you to feel satiated, curb your cravings and prevent binges between scheduled meals. They will help with weight loss, but only if paired with a healthy diet and exercise.
The best appetite suppressant supplement on the market is PhenQ. This popular supplement provides five different fat-loss mechanisms and includes some of the most researched ingredients known by science.
PhenQ is a natural weight management system that targets 5 key areas of metabolic health to help shed excess fat, crush cravings, and support natural energy...
Not satisfied with the options above? Head over to our posts that cover the Best Fat Burners For Men or the Best Fat Burners For Women on the market.
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