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All lifters want to sculpt a massive, thick back and the biceps that come along with it. Having a nice V-taper accompanied by massive traps and bulging biceps shows that you're serious about your training while ensuring you're injury-resilient and have good posture.
Training back and biceps together is a common practice in bodybuilding, just like chest and triceps, as the two muscle groups are considered synergistic, meaning they work together in many pulling movements. This allows for both balanced development and time-efficient workouts, among other benefits, which we will discuss further below.
In this guide, we'll show you the best back and biceps workout routine, how to perform the exercises included in the program, and key training tips, benefits, and a muscle anatomy overview.
Table of Contents:
Let's get right to the workout! You're going to have two sessions: session A and session B.
You want to perform these sessions with 2-4 full days of rest in between. We will look at various splits after running through the workouts so you can see how the two sessions will fit into your specific routine.
For reference: RPE = rate of perceived exertion. We use an 8 RPE for some exercises, which means you have ~2 reps left in the tank (80% failure rate) and you are using a challenging weight of 68-92% 1RM. So, if we write just 8 RPE, that means do as many reps until you reach 80% of your failure rate. If we state 8 RPE and a number of reps, choose a weight load that leaves you with just ~2 reps left in the tank in that rep range.
You can utilize this plan with any other program you have. Obviously, when you are trying to concentrate on one area, other areas may need to sacrifice some time.
Below we will look at two common splits (PPL Split & Body Part Split) and how sessions A and B will work into them.
Here are a few different PPL options.
3 Day PPL:
Now, to give you an idea of how this back and biceps workout plan can fit into various programs at a frequency of approximately two times a week.
You could do a 5 or 6 day PPL split:
5 Day PPL:
6 Day PPL:
Here is a body part split that allows you to train certain muscle groups twice a week:
If legs and shoulders are more important for you to build up, you can switch them with chest and triceps.
Here is a more typical body part split, aka a bro split, which would have you rotating between Session A and Session B each week:
When writing a program for strength and muscle hypertrophy, there are a few variables we want to consider.
Training frequency refers to how many times a week you're going to train a specific muscle group. In our case, it's the back and biceps. The optimal training frequency that maximizes the amount of quality volume seems to be twice a week.
Training your back and biceps two times a week will allow you to train with high intensity but also mitigate fatigue. That said, once a week will work too. This will depend on your workout split.
Often, people make the topic of rep schemes way too complicated. Should I lift heavy for strength or should I lift light for muscle growth? How about just doing both?
First off, our understanding of the rep spectrum has changed quite a bit over the last few years. Originally we believed that if you want to get strong, you need to lift with a load of >85%1RM. In order to gain muscle, you need to lower the weight to <80%1RM. However, we now know that only one of those is correct, kind of.
Studies have now shown that for hypertrophy, any weight can be used1. Basically, volume is volume regardless if you're using 3RM or 12RM. However, moderate weights do allow you to produce more volume, so reps of 8-12 are still best, just through different mechanisms.
However, for strength, you need to use those heavier loads. Some strength can be built with lighter loads when you're a beginner, but that won't last long.
Still, strength and hypertrophy play off each other. A stronger muscle can allow more volume to build a bigger muscle. A bigger muscle has the potential to be a stronger muscle. Therefore, just do both. The beginning of the session will start with a heavyweight. As you progress, the exercises will get lighter.
Your session should always start with the "biggest" exercises and then move down toward your most minor as the session progresses. 90% of the time, this refers to the movement that you will be using the most weight with.
An example where this may not be the case are shrugs. Even though you can use a large load with shrugs, the range of motion is small.
This program will be plenty to keep you progressing for a while using progressive overload. Every week, try to either throw on a little bit more weight OR add some reps. Either one is going to work. but we want to address some specifics.
Let's address some specifics with using progressive overload in this back and biceps program.
Doing this will keep things interesting while also adding a slightly different stimulus. That being said, you should run as is (with progressive overload) for 3 months.
Training back and biceps together is a common practice in many workout routines. There are a few reasons why these muscle groups are often trained together:
While training the back and bi's together is a tried and true method used by many of the greatest bodybuilders for decades, it is important to note that there are various training methods and approaches, and what works best for an individual can vary.
You've got the best routine for building muscle and strength in your back and biceps. Now, here's how to perform each of the exercises featured in our program above.
For reference:
The reason we have so many exercises for you is that our back and biceps routine consists of two different workouts. Session A and Session B, which you can rotate through either weekly or bi-weekly.
The rack pull is a beast of a movement and is easily the best exercise to load some massive weight. Some uneducated lifters look at the rack pull as a "cheat" deadlift, but those "in the know" look at it as one, independent movement. While the movement is obviously very similar to the deadlift, the bar is set at a raised height of your choosing.
Doing so essentially lowers the range of motion, meaning you can lift more weight. More importantly, the rack pull is basically the second half of the deadlift, where the back is more involved. Therefore, we want to set the bar at or slightly above knee level. If the setting above is a couple inches above your knee, choose the setting below the knee of it's closer.
While this is going to hit your entire back, it's an exceptionally amazing exercise for the traps. Multiple studies have found that the trap musculature has the highest EMG activity during the deadlift when the bar travels from the knees to lockout2. In order to get high activation, sufficient weight needs to be used so these are best performed with heavyweight, low reps, and high sets.
If you pay attention to who has some of the most impressive upper backs, you will notice that Olympic lifters are on the top of the list. This is due to the massive force they are required to generate by their upper back during cleans and snatches. However, Olympic movements are extremely technical and take some good coaching. In other words, they are not suitable for everyone.
The snatch-grip high-pull basically takes out what you need of the movement and throws out the rest. The high pull starts with the bar on the ground like a deadlift would but you take a wider grip, like the snatch. You then explode up using the triple extension and use this power to assist your arms in pulling the bar up to shoulder level.
You will need bumper plates for this movement as the bar is then put back on the floor using a controlled fall. These are best performed with low reps, multiple sets, and adequate rest between each rep (NOT SET, REP) as you need time to set up. In other words, take your time
Chin-ups are the king of pulling exercises, and yes, I mean pulling. Many people will point to the pull-up (which is also excellent), but the chin-up wins when looking at the amount of muscle mass used and ability to load. Proof? What's easier to do; chin-ups or pull-ups?
Unless you're one of the odd ones, you'll say chin-ups. Many people will incorrectly think that the pull-up is better because it's more challenging; however, the difficulty of an exercise doesn't dictate its effectiveness. In reality, chin-ups are easier as you're using more muscle mass. This means that you can place a greater load on it.
Further, you're getting a killer bicep workout as well. Bret Contreas used EMG readings during an at-home analysis of pulling exercises. This included a ton of exercises, from deadlifts to hammer curls. Do you know which exercise caused the greatest EMG readings in the biceps? Weighted chin-ups!
This was due because the flexion of the elbow goes through a full range of motion, and the body is able to be loaded significantly. Remember, this movement is relative to your bodyweight, so the activation should be similar for everyone who works in the 4-6 rep range; for some, this means weighted for others not.
In fact, chin-ups are such a good movement; you're going to train them twice as much as the other movements.
To really finish hitting the traps, your best bet is going to be using barbell front shrugs. Using the barbell forces you to use a pronated grip with your hands out in front of your body. This does two things benefiting optimal trap growth:
These factors make the barbell front shrug the highest rated exercise when comparing EMG readings3. Still the barbell shrug is a movement that allows heavy loading. When performing these, you want to focus on using heavyweight with slow reps. Even though the range of motion is larger with front shrugs, it's still relatively small. Therefore, you want to use slow reps to get as much time under tension as possible.
Dumbbell bent-over rows are going to destroy your middle back; in a good way. Rack pulls and shrugs take care of your upper back and these dumbbell rows will hit your middle & lower traps while also getting a good workout in with your lats.
Further, due to the unilateral nature of the movement, you will naturally get a bit of core work and fight your body from rotating. Regardless, the dumbbell bent-over row is an amazing exercise to train your back. Any of these Bent Over Row Variations are great to include in your routine!
The lat-pulldown with a bit of a twist. As the name implies, you'll perform the lat-pulldown while on your knees. Regular lat-pulldowns are great too but doing them from your knees provides an extra benefit.
Because you are not able to brace yourself using your knees, lat pull-pulldowns from your knees require full bracing from your entire body, much like a pull-up. In fact, this study found the EMG readings from lat-pulldown from the knees had the most similar to a pull-up4. However, this movement is going to focus on the lats.
For more similar exercises, check out these Best Lat Pulldown Alternatives.
We love T-Bar rows. While barbell rows are also awesome, T-bar rows and Best T-Bar Row Alternatives tend to allow people to use more weight for some massive backs.
Further, as the weight is on a pivot, they seem to cause greater activation than a barbell row where the weight is pulling straight down. If you don't have a T-bar-specific machine, you can use a landmine set-up; either will work.
We already have dumbbell rows and the T-bar row, so there's no need to add another row; except this standing row. These are performed with a pulley machine and any handle can be utilized; Neural, straight bar, rope.
Do yourself a favor and mix it up. Regardless of where these standout, you are performing them standing up, which demands a much higher degree of stabilization in your core (and body in general).
Above, we talked about Olympic lifters having great backs. Do you know who else does? Swimmers! Swimmers (more commonly known as straight arm pulldowns) basically just mimic the freestyle stroke using a load.
They're fairly easy to perform and all you need is a pulley system, which is why we love including them in a back and biceps workout. The most important aspect of this movement is keeping your arms straight and pulling your arms down, while keeping your feet about shoulder width apart; don't pull your elbows back.
Face-pulls and Face Pull Alternatives are a must for any athlete as they are a prime movement to increase the upper back's strength and endurance. Still, performing these movements regularly will significantly improve scapular control and your shoulder mobility.
When you include these in your back and biceps workout, they're best done with lower weight and high reps. Further, including a good squeeze at full contraction is always a good idea. When you perform this movement, really be mindful about pulling your scapula back.
Last but not least are back extensions. To be clear, you will have trained your erector spine pretty good already in the above exercises. However, we want some specific movements, so we'll throw these in as your last back exercise.
Still, since your back will already be pretty fatigued, you'll perform just 1 set to momentarily failure, and that'll be it.
For more great exercises, check out these Back Extension Alternatives.
The biceps 21 do the trick of smashing the biceps really well. Bicep 21's consist of doing 21 curls in 3 continuous sets of 7.
Because you have already put some heavy loads on your bicep earlier, it's a good idea to perform some lightweight exercises with maximal reps and bicep 21's do the tricks.
The second bicep exercise you'll do are hammer curls with a rope. Performing the exercise with a rope adds just a little bit of extra resistance at the top of the movement, where you pull the rope outwards. This causes a bit higher activation.
Again, your biceps have already worked heavily so you'll want to use lightweight and high reps.
Before you start slinging heavyweight with the exercises above, you need to get your back warmed up and your muscles activated. Doing so not only lessens the likelihood of getting an injury it can also improve the performance of your session by allowing you to lift more weight and increase your mobility.
Bird Dogs are one of Stu McGills famous "Big 3" movements for back mobility and health. This movement is performed by getting in a quadruped knee position. You will then move one arm, and its contralateral leg. This is a fancy way of saying "opposite," so your right arm will move with the left leg and vice versa.
Your legs will move backward in a straightening action so your leg will be parallel with your back at the top. The arms will lift up in front of the head like superman. However, for our purpose, you will also want to alternate by lifting it out laterally (the side) as well. This is going to loosen up your back and joints, activate your back muscles, and overall just create a robust core.
Scapular pull-ups are pull-ups that are only using your scapula. You start this movement in a hang with your shoulder protracted. Now, keeping your arms straight, you will retract your scapula. Hold this position, and then lower yourself down.
While this is an excellent exercise for warm-up and activation, it's also a great way to throw in some grip training which everyone should be doing.
Band pull aparts are basically reverse flies using bands. They are going to train your entire upper back and improve scapular control. This will be a great way to start your back training exercise.
Still, these are some of the best basic exercises you can do to add work volume to your upper back to improve posture. This is why you want to do these every day.
You'll then move into 1 set of banded curls till 80% failure. Nothing fancy here. You're just wanting to get the biceps warm, primed and ready to go.
Here's a brief overview of the muscles you'll be working in our Back & Biceps Workout.
Commonly referred to as "the lats" the latissimus dorsi muscles are two large, flat muscles located on the body's side.
The lats have a lot of different functions, including:
From an aesthetic perspective, developed lats are responsible for creating the V-taper as they can protrude out to the side of the body. This is why they're also referred to as "wings" on guys whose lat stick out from their sides.
The trapezius muscle, better known as the "traps", are the one muscle whose size can have a dramatic effect on how jacked you look. If the area between your neck and shoulder is flat, you're not going to intimidate anyone. However, if you have massive boulders sitting there, you'll get respect immediately.
Besides making you look swole, the traps are extremely important for producing neck health and creating good posture and vital for scapular control. They are primarily responsible for:
Have you ever looked at a lifter, and they seem to have a massive canyon in the middle of their back? What you're looking at is a well-developed set of erector spinea muscles sitting on either side of the spine.
The erector spine is actually a series of 3 major muscles that work to manipulate the spine:
Strengthening these muscles is of extreme importance for a healthy spine and posture.
The rhomboid major and minor are two small muscles that sit on top of each other and are shaped like rhomboids. While small, they play a critical role in scapular control. Both muscles work to manipulate the scapula, press the scapula against the thoracic wall, and retract the scapula.
Not having strong rhomboids will prevent you from keeping stable scapular control, leading to a cascade of biomechanical deficiencies. Without proper scapula control, the upper extremities cannot operate off a strong base, thus causing irregular movements as well as causing the joints to overcompensate.
As long as you use good form during your pulling exercises (you better be!), you'll train your rhomboids. However, it's always a good idea to throw in some mobility work and light movements to build your rhomboid's strength and endurance.
While technically the deltoids are your shoulders, there are three heads; the anterior, acromial (sometimes referred to as medial or middle), and posterior. We are worried about the posterior as it is actually part of the back (hence the name “posterior’) and works in conjunction with the other back muscles.
The main function of the posterior deltoid is pulling the arm back at various angles. The good thing is you don’t need to worry too much about including a specific exercise for the posterior delts. This is because virtually every back exercise that involves the arms hit them already.
Everybody knows the biceps! The biceps brachii are a large two-headed (bi) muscle that sit on the upper arm. The two heads are:
Together, the biceps work to manipulate the arm several ways:
In terms of aesthetics, building your back is necessary for creating the ever-coveted V-taper. Moreover, developing a well-defined back is no easy feat. It is a sign of years of hard work in the gym. But, even better, it can actually improve your quality of life.
Here's a table outlining the benefits of having a strong and well-developed back and biceps:
Benefits Of A Strong Back |
Benefits Of Strong Biceps |
Improved Posture |
Enhanced Arm Strength and Power |
Increased Upper Body Strength |
Improved Grip Strength |
Enhanced Spinal Stability and Scapular Control |
Improved Pulling and Lifting Abilities |
Reduced Risk of Back & Neck Injuries |
Enhanced Aesthetics and Muscle Definition in Arms |
Improved Athletic Performance |
Increased Functional Strength for Arm Movements |
Better Balance and Coordination |
Improved Overall Upper Body Symmetry |
Enhanced Core Strength |
Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem |
Improved Body Mechanics |
Improved Performance in Arm-focused Exercises |
Increased Range of Motion and Flexibility |
Assists in Various Upper Body Movements |
Improved Overall Upper Body Symmetry and Proportion |
Enhanced Functional Strength and Performance |
These benefits highlight the advantages of having a strong and well-developed back and biceps, including improved posture, strength, aesthetics, functional abilities, and overall body mechanics.
It's important to remember that these benefits are not exhaustive and may vary depending on individual fitness goals, lifestyle, and specific activities or sports. For example, in this study, a woman with chronic elbow pain had her symptoms alleviated entirely after completing a program that only focused on strengthening her middle and lower traps5.
The goal with our back and biceps workout routine is to not only build the aesthetics you desire, but also to build the strength to become injury resilient and pain-free.
Here are some common questions we get regarding back and bi day.
There are several alternative back exercises that you can incorporate into your workout routine to target different areas of the back and ensure overall back development. Here are some good alternatives to the ones in our workout routine: Single Arm DB Rows, Seated Cable Rows, Bent Over Rows (underhand and overhand), and Reverse Flyes.
Best Exercises by Muscle Groups:
There are several alternative biceps exercises you can incorporate into your workout routine to target the biceps from different angles and challenge the muscle in unique ways. Our favorites are: Hammer Curls, Incline Biceps Curls, Concentration Curls, Preacher Curls, Barbell Curl, Reverse Curls, and Zottman Curls.
Check out more of the best biceps exercises here.
Yes, you can include supersets in your back and biceps workout; however, it's important to consider their impact on performance. When performing exercises that target the upper back, such as pull-ups, pulldowns, and rows, your biceps will already be partially fatigued. If you immediately transition to biceps exercises like curls, you may need to decrease the weights used.
A modified superset workout for back and biceps could look like this:
Supersets allow for time-efficient and challenging workouts. However, keep in mind that your performance may be affected. If you have limited time to complete your training session, incorporating supersets can be a viable option. Adapt the workout to your preferences and listen to your body to ensure proper form and prevent overexertion.
There isn't a definitive optimal duration for a back and bicep workout. However, it's generally recommended to allocate around 60 to 90 minutes for your workout session. By maintaining high intensity and minimizing rest periods between sets, you can effectively complete your workout within this timeframe.
To prevent injury, ensure proper form and technique during exercises. Gradually increase weights and intensity over time. Incorporate a balanced training program that includes rest days, flexibility work, and core strengthening exercises. If you have any existing injuries or concerns, consult with a qualified fitness professional or healthcare provider for guidance.
Improve your thoracic spine mobility for greater injury resilience.
Absolutely! Back and biceps exercises can be adapted to suit different fitness levels. Start with lighter weights and focus on proper form. Gradually increase the intensity as you build strength and confidence. Consider seeking guidance from a fitness professional to ensure safe and effective training.
Incorporating stretching exercises after your back and bicep workout can aid in recovery and promote muscle cooldown. Here's an effective stretching routine for your back:
Performing these stretches can help alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility. Remember to hold each stretch for an appropriate duration and maintain proper form throughout the stretching routine.
Check out more of the best bicep stretches and lat stretches as these are the areas that will feel most tight.
After your workout, it's essential to provide your body with a nutritious meal promptly. Focus on consuming a meal that includes an adequate amount of protein to support muscle recovery and carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores. If you're unsure about your protein requirements, refer to our article on "how much protein you need for muscle growth." For instance, a balanced meal could consist of options like rice and chicken or sweet potato and ground beef.
Learn more about post-workout meals here.
Results vary depending on individual factors such as genetics, training consistency, nutrition, and overall lifestyle. With consistent training, proper nutrition, and recovery, you can expect to see improvements in strength, muscle tone, and overall physique within a few weeks to a couple of months.
Prepare to maximize your gains with our exclusive 12-week hypertrophy training program. Choose between a 4 or 5 day training split and gain 2-12 pounds of muscle over 90 days...
That's all you need. You have no excuse not to have a monster back now. Hit the gym, keep the intensity up, and watch your back and biceps grow with the best back and bi workout routine for mass and strength.
Looking for more muscle-building workouts? Check out our Ultimate Leg Workout and this Ultimate Chest & Triceps Workout.
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