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If you are looking for an advanced steel mace workout, look no further. In this article, we will provide you with 10 different advanced macebell exercises and 3 methods that you can use to combine them to make an advanced steel mace workout routine.
Bonus Content:
2. You know how to perform a mace 360 and 10-to-2 perfectly.
3. You are adept at combining 3 different mace movements into one long sequence.
4. You are well-conditioned and have experience with HIIT training.
5. You’ve completed our Beginner and Intermediate Steel Mace Workout and you are looking for something even more challenging now.
If you have any doubts about if you are ready, and you are looking for a complete book or guide to mace training that will take you from the basics to beginner to intermediate and to advanced, our Steel Mace Training e-Guide will be perfect for you. We have over 84 pages of solid information and exercises that meet the needs of all levels (and remember, even beginner exercises are good for the elite mace swingers as the basics always have a place in a workout routine - it’s like saying you are too advanced to do some push-ups). In our steel mace e-guide we have some seriously advanced exercises and flows that we will not cover in this post.
So, are you ready? Here is your ultimate…
Here are the 3 ways you can combine the exercises below to make a macebell workout routine.
Do each of the 10 exercises below, one after the other, for 45 seconds each. Rest 15 seconds between exercises.
If you are not dead from this. Take a one minute break after all the exercises are completed and then repeat for one more round.
It is recommended that you do the exercises in a sequence a such - upper body-focused exercise, lower-focused body, then upper, lower, and so on. This will help you make it through each round at full force, as you won’t be taxing your upper and lower all at once. Spacing it this way will allow you to be your strongest throughout the entire round.
30/15 Steel Mace HIIT Workout (30 seconds on, 15 seconds off, 5 exercises)
30/15 Mace HIIT Workout Details:
- 5 Exercises (each side)
- 30 seconds work
- 15 seconds rest
- 3 Rounds
Total Workout Time: 22 minutes
Best Mace Size To Use: 10LB or 15LB for most people (you can always size up or down during the workout by pausing the video)
Choose 5 exercises from below and do each exercise for 1 minute, with 30 seconds rest in-between each exercise. Repeat this for a total of 3-5 rounds.
Again, it’s recommended to mix upper and lower body exercise so your upper body can rest as your lower body works and vice versa.
Choose 6-8 of the exercises below and do each individually in a traditional style manner. This means you will do your first exercise for 3 sets x 15 reps, and once all three sets are completed, you move on to the next exercise. Rest about 60 seconds between sets.
For strength workouts with steel maces, we encourage you to move very slowly through each rep and really keep tight and your muscles engaged at all times thoroughly. Also, we suggest using a heavy mace where necessary.
1. Rotated Overhead Press With Lunge
How to:
Feet hip width apart. Step forward with the foot that’s on the loaded side into a lunge, then walk forward into a lunge on your opposite side. As you step forward to the opposite side, rotate the mace to a top position (as pictured to the left). From there, step forward again on the other side into a lunge while rotating the mace back down into a Side Load position; continue with this pattern as you walk forward.
If you don’t have room to walk forward, you can simply use a reverse lunge to forward lunge motion OR using a jumping motion, jump from lunge positions right to left.
2. Advanced Mace Pushup
One hand on the mace head, one hand on the mace handle towards the end. Mace handle off the ground; push up ready position.
How to:
Perform a push up while keeping the mace handle steady and off the ground. Once you finish your repetitions repeat on the opposite side.
Keep your hips squared to the ground at all times.
3. Alternating Bayonet Strike Squat/Lunge
How to:
Squat formation. As you squat down to parallel, move the mace head so that it is facing forward (into a bayonet position). Step the leg that is on the same side as the mace back into a low lunge position. Strike the mace forward in a controlled manner. Return in reverse, but as you reach the starting position perform a bayonet switch and then repeat on the alternating side.
To make the strike more difficult, slide your top hand down the handle and hold the mace at the end of the strike.
4. Reverse Single Arm 10-to-2
How to:
Start by removing your top hand from the mace handle. So, if you are holding the mace with your right hand, you will swing the mace to your left side at your 10 o’clock. Use the momentum of the mace when it swings behind your back (get your hand low towards your back for more stretch/mobility) to pull the mace over at your 2 o'clock. When the mace reaches the other side at your front, hold it at that angle and position (your right hand should be close to your navel and the mace leaning towards your 2 o’clock) then grab the mace with your left hand and repeat the opposite way.
5. Staggered Stance Squat with Uppercut Press
How to:
Start in a staggered stance. Your front knees should be close to parallel with the other, and your feet hip-width apart. Come down in your staggered stance, then as you press up with your body, uppercut the mace. In that same path of motion return back to the starting position and repeat.
6. Glute Bridge With Chest Press
How to:
Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat floor. Hold the mace offset and horizontally at your sternum. Push your hips into the air using your glute muscles and keep your back straight and in alignment with your hips. Avoid arching your back. Squeeze glutes and lift hips towards the ceiling. Hold this position. As you hold this position, press the mace up as you would a decline chest press then back down. Keep the movement slow and controlled throughout its entirety.
7. Squat with Overhead Press
Hold the mace offset with your palms towards the front while keeping the mace horizontal at chest level. Feet should be hip-to-shoulder width apart; with a neutral spine. Squat down while keeping the mace at your chest. As you press up from the squat, press the mace to the sky. When you reach the top of your squat your hands and mace should be extended above your head. Pause. Return the mace to the starting position and as your reach sternum level, repeat the movement. Keep the movement slow and controlled at all times.
8. Alternating Lateral Lunge with Press down/Curl
How To:
Stand with feet around 1 foot wider on both sides than shoulder width. Lateral lunge to the opposite side of the mace head. As you perform the lateral lunge, extend your arm straight towards the ground. As you return to the starting position, curl the mace in a straight motion back to Horizontal Bottom then perform a front switch and repeat the movement on the alternating side.
Slow and controlled is best for this movement. Keep tension throughout by trying to pull the mace head off.
9. Overhead obliques
How to:
Feet hip-to-shoulder width apart; neutral spine, core tight. Lean laterally towards the mace head. Do not extend past what is comfortable. Keep your core tight and your arms extended. Return back to Horizontal Overhead.
To make it easier, lean towards the opposite side of the mace head.
10. Alternating One Handed Thruster
How to:
Hands gripping mace at the navel. Neutral spine; feet hip-to-shoulder width apart - squat ready. Squat, then press yourself up while simultaneously raising the mace vertically above your head.
You can use one hand on this exercise if you are able. The mace should be in control at all times. Balance is key.
1. 360 (hands stacked - left/right & right/ left)
2. Switch Squat
3. Lateral Lunge
Make sure you switch how your hands are stacked and swing the mace to the opposite side each time you return to the 360. That way you are targetting your muscles equally - This means you should perform the sequence an equal number of times.
If you have any questions about this advanced steel mace workout routine, please don't hesitate to contact us by email.
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