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Resistance bands are great for stretching, especially for those with limited flexibility and mobility.
If your muscles are tense, stretching is very important as it lengthens and relaxes the muscles. Mobility is also very important as it increases your range of motion and allows you to move better. Bands simply help take your flexibility and mobility training to another level, which will undoubtedly improve your overall performance in the long run.
Our guide has over 250 exercises categorized by mobility, mobilization, resistance training, barbell training, explosive training, static stretching, and (p)rehabilitation...
On that note, we put together this blog post to present you with 6 simple yet highly effective resistance band stretches and dynamic mobility exercises.
Exercises 1-2 will be dynamic resistance band stretches (warm-up) and exercises 3-6 will be static resistance band stretches (cool down). That said, you can also use these 6 exercises as a flexibility and mobility routine on off days.
The following two exercises are dynamic stretches. These should be done before a workout to help prime your muscles and improve your range of motion or during an active recovery day.
This exercise will fire up the rear deltoids, rhomboids, and teres minor to get them ready to stabilize the shoulder joint. In more technical terms, this is great for scapula stabilization. This is particularly a good exercise to do on push days.
Slowly pull the band apart. When you pull the band apart, make sure to retract your scapular (shoulder blades). You’ll activate all your posterior muscles, getting them ready to stabilize the shoulder joint for big compound movements, while making sure that your shoulder isn’t going to sustain any injuries. Keep a neutral spine; think good posture.
Best rep range: 1 set x 10-12 reps
Learn more scapular stabilization & mobility exercises for warm ups before push and pull workouts.
This is another mobility exercise that requires a resistance band. It's a great way to improve your shoulder and scapula mobility as well as open up your chest and lats. This is a great exercise to do before an upper body workout.
Stand with a wide stance and neutral spine (keep good posture). Slightly pull the band apart as you pass it over your head and back around, getting a nice stretch in the pectoral muscles and also that important mobility in the shoulder joint.
Best rep range: 1 set x 10-12 reps
The following four exercises aren't meant to be done as static stretches, so you will hold them for an extended period of time. Each one has its own unique benefit.
Most people have very tight hamstrings. This is going to help improve your hamstring flexibility, which in turn will help you with exercises like deadlifts, squats, and sprints.
Wrap the band around your foot. Grab it and pull towards you. Try to keep your leg as straight as possible.
Hold the stretch for 20+ seconds then release it and repeat for 2-3 sets. Perform on both sides.
A lot of people don't realize how much they are limited in their movements because their hip adductors are tight. This exercise will create the laxity your groin muscles need. It's also a great precursor to splits!
While lying on the ground, swing your leg outward into a half split. Pull the resistance band towards you. You can pull it around your back and grab it with your other hand for more tension. Make sure to stretch each leg thoroughly.
Hold the stretch for 20+ seconds then release it and repeat for 2-3 sets. Perform on both sides.
Not only will this exercise help improve your mobility and flexibility with exercises like squats, deadlifts, and running, but it will also help to ease any low back pain or discomfort after a strenuous leg day.
Swing your right leg over and across your left leg, while keeping your right leg as straight as possible. Pull the resistance band around your back and grab it with your left hand to apply the proper amount of tension. You will feel this really stretching out the glutes.
Hold the stretch for 20+ seconds then release it and repeat for 2-3 sets. Perform on both sides.
After a long workout or run, it can be hard to properly do a quad stretch standing up. This resistance band stretch can help you get a deep stretch without needing to think about balancing. You may even have trouble doing this stretch properly standing up do to a lack of flexibility. A lot of people do the standing quad stretch wrong. Doing it like this with a band for assistance can help you focus in on stretching your quad and get an even deeper stretch than your otherwise would.
Double wrap the resistance band around your foot. A bigger band is preferable for this movement as you can get some good, strong tension. You will also feel the stretch in your hip flexors.
Hold the stretch for 20+ seconds then release it and repeat for 2-3 sets. Perform on both sides.
Note: If you pull you knee back behind your glutes, you will get a great hip flexor/psoas muscle stretch.
This video has all of the exercises above. So, if you need a little more clarity on form, give it a watch:
Bands can help you deepen a stretch or even get into stretching positions that you would otherwise not be able to. You see athletes getting stretched by their trainers all the time. That's because certain stretches require assistance. Bands essentially provide that same assistance.
In terms of mobility, resistance band mobility exercises offer you ways to improve your mobility and range of motion that you simply can't do with bodyweight movements alone.
Although your typical bodyweight static stretches are great and should be done, stretching with bands will take your flexibility and mobility to new levels.
There are two types of stretches: Dynamic Stretches and Static Stretches.
The SFS FIVE Resistance Band Workout Package has 5 fun and challenging full length workouts using only resistance bands. Each workout targets different muscle groups. Together, the 5 workouts make for the perfect weekly workout routine.
Final Thoughts:
Remember, do dynamic stretch before a workout and static stretch AFTER a workout or any time other than just before working out. You don't want to do long stretches before a workout or sport as it will affect your muscles performance (it will make them too lax!).
As such, the first two resistance band mobility exercises are good for warm up and the last four are a great way to wind down and help you prevent stiffness and soreness.
Do this as often as you can and you will see big improvements in your flexibility and mobility, which in turn help you with your weight training, running, and overall fitness and sports performance.
Related Content:
Get yourself some resistance bands. Bands are a great way to step up your stretching game. You can also use resistance bands (alone or paired with weights) for muscle and strength building exercises. They are super versatile and can help your fitness in full spectrum. Our band guide above will teach you all of that.
Get yourself some Bands from us!
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