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Let us just start by saying, a 6 day workout split is not for the faint of heart...at least not an effective one. But for those who have experience, determination and dedication, it can be the best training split frequency for building muscle and strength, for both men and women alike.
This article will dive into the nitty gritty of the mighty 6 day workout split to teach you all you need to know. It also contains a full 6 day weight training split program that you can follow if you decide to take the 6-days-of-working-out-a-week journey.
Table of Contents:
A 6 day workout split is a routine that involves 6 workout sessions per week, done on 6 different days.
So, that’s 6 workouts, 6 different days, with only 1 rest day each week.
If that sounds intense and like it's a lot, that’s because it is! Working out 6 days per week puts you in the same league as "The Rock", as Dwayne Johnson's workout regimen includes both cardio and weight lifting 6 days a week.
Point being, a 6 day split should be saved for more advanced lifters who really know how to optimize their training and recovery.
In regards to bodyweight-only workouts, a training schedule of 6 days a week becomes more penetrable for a wide range of fitness levels, as bodyweight training can be less taxing on the body. Nevertheless, optimizing both your workouts and recovery are important regardless of whether you are lifting weights or doing calisthenics.
The benefits of a 6 day gym workout schedule will vary based on what kind of six day split you are doing.
If you are doing a 6 day split that has you training each muscle group two or three times per week, the main benefit would be maximizing the frequency of hitting each muscle. Studies show training each muscle group twice a week is best for hypertrophy.
If you are doing a 6 day split that train each muscle group once a week, that means your volume is spread out across the week. This allows you to really hone in on a muscle group each workout to maximize the intensity.
Then, you also have the option with 6 day splits to program your workouts in a way that produces a great mix of both frequency and intensity.
More benefits of a 6 day split workout routine:
If you have adequate training experience, you can lift 6 days per week (7 days is just an overkill for most people, including top tier athletes).
For those who are more novice level, go with a 3 day split or 4 day split. And if you are an intermediate lifter (say, 1-3 years of training), a 4 or 5 day split should be perfectly effective.
In fact, any number of days can be effective for any fitness level if programmed correctly. You'll see what we mean as you continue reading on.
If you really want to train 6 days per week, but feel lifting weights for all 6 days is probably too much for you (lifting heavy weights is taxing on the body after all), then make a couple of those training days a cardio, HIIT or bodyweight workout, rather than just lifting every day. You can also spend a day on things like Yoga or movement skills (agility, speed, explosiveness, etc.).
If you are still unsure whether a 6 day split is right for you, just think about the following points:
Following the FITT principle guidelines (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type), determine if you have the time, dedication (it can be a challenge to stay consistent with both workouts and diet & recovery when training 6 days a week), youthfulness, and experience.
If you said yes to all of these and want to get into the best shape of your life, then a 6 day weight training split can be great.
There are several ways to program a 6 day lifting routine. Below are some of the most popular and effective options for 6 day splits.
Advanced option:
Intermediate-advanced option:
Note: You can move the rest day to any day. Also, you can focus your upper and lower days on any goal you’d like.
This is a 3 days on, 1 day off, so essentially a 6 day training split.
This is your typical bro split with just one rest day after all muscles have been worked.
As you can see, on the two week scale, you’ve trained each muscle group 3 times. So, the “6 Day Bro Split” allows for a little higher muscle frequency than the more standard 5 day bro split, yet it still allows for plenty of rest time between each muscle group.
While core wasn’t listed, you should obviously be hitting your core. The thing is, though, if you are doing big compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench press and military press, your core will be getting plenty of work. So, you won’t need to spend an entire workout on core. Just add one or two core exercises to the end of your workouts two to three times a week.
The best core exercises to add to the end of a workout are:
Cardio can be done at your discretion. You may choose to do cardio after your workouts on some days or in the mornings. Cardio is optional. Cardio should be done if you have cardiovascular health goals and/or you want to burn calories, as weight training doesn't hold a candle to cardio in terms of calorie burn.
The best 6 day workout split is arguably the Push Pull Legs 6 Day Split, which was the first option we listed above. It allows you to hit each muscle group twice a week and it’s super efficient because you are training muscles that work together at the same time, and thus the next workout session will focus on opposing muscles groups that have no conflict in terms of recovery.
Overall, it is efficient and it facilitates recovery better than other body part splits.
If this doesn’t make sense, let us explain a little better...
With a split like the Bro Split, you have chest and triceps on day 1 and then shoulders on day 3, that only gives you on rest day between muscle groups that are often involved in the same exercise (i.e. bench press uses the shoulders and overhead presses uses the upper chest).
The Arnold split has the same issue. You really have to be a beast on recovery mode to get good results with these splits, whereas the Push Pull Legs split gives you the most possible rest time and frequency for your muscle groups based on 6 workouts per week. Moreover, you can even do a rest day after every one PPL, rather than after every two PPLs.
So, our ULTIMATE 6 DAY SPLIT is the 6 Day PPL Workout Split. That is the workout plan we have laid out for you.
But before we get into it, let us explain the basics to you regarding the exercises and workout structure.
We recommend doing a couple core exercises after your workout on either Push or Pull Days.
Note: Although the rear delts are a shoulder muscle, it is a primary mover for pulling not pushing, so the rear delts will be targeted on pull days.
Here are the main exercises (with the primary mover or movers in parenthesis)
Accessory exercises are either assistance compound lifts or isolation exercises. These should be done after your main compound exercise.
Here are some of the best ones...
Push, Pull and Leg days have two main compound exercises. These main lifts require high strength and energy levels and are equally important. They should be done at the beginning of your workout.
However, you will NOT being do both on the same day. As such, you will split your weekly routine as such:
A and B workouts will have one of the main lifts, i.e.:
Pull day is the exception as you can do (and will do if you follow the plan below) bent over rows and pull ups on the same day. You’ll just be altering which comes first.
However, Bench Press, Deadlifts, Squats, and Standing Overhead Barbell Press are all big power movements that can be done for 1RM and will involve the heaviest loads in your entire training program, so they shouldn’t be done on the same day.
As for accessory exercises, you will be doing different ones on A & B workout days, but you will be doing accessory exercises that target all push, pull and leg muscle groups, of course.
As promised, here is your 6 day workout split - PPL style.
We have two options for rest days (one of which technically makes it an 8 day workout week). Both are good...
Option 1:
Option 2:
Choose one and stick with the plan for 6-12 weeks (decide on how many weeks you will do from the start and go the distance!)
Quick notes before starting:
Barbell Bench Press | 4-5 sets | 5-8 reps | 2 min rest |
Seated DB Overhead Press | 3-4 sets | 8-12 reps | 90 sec rest |
Parallel Dips: | 3 sets | 10-15 reps | 60-90 sec rest |
Flat Bench Flys | 3 sets | 8-12 reps | 60-90 sec rest |
Lateral DB Raises | 3 sets | 10-15 reps | 60 sec rest |
Diamond Push Ups | 2-3 sets | Max reps | 60 sec rest |
Bent Over Barbell Rows (underhand grip) | 4-5 sets | 6-10 reps | 90-120 sec rest |
Chin Ups: | 3-4 sets | Max full range reps | 90 sec rest |
Rack Pulls | 3 sets | 5-8 reps | 90 sec rest |
Kroc Rows | 3 sets | 10-12 reps each side | 90 sec rest |
Seated Close-Grip Rows | 3 sets | 10-15 reps | 60-90 sec rest |
Bicep Curls | 2-3 sets | 10-20 reps | 60 sec rest |
Barbell Back Squats | 4-5 sets | 5-8 reps | 2 min rest |
Barbell Hip Thursts | 3-4 sets | 6-10 reps | 90-120 sec rest |
RDL | 3 sets | 8-12 reps | 90 sec rest |
Split Squats | 3 sets | 8-12 reps each side | 90 sec rest |
Standing Calf Raises | 3 sets | 12-20 reps | 60 sec rest |
Standing Military Press | 4-5 sets | 5-10 reps | 2 min rest |
Incline DB Bench Press | 3-4 sets | 8-12 reps | 90-120 sec rest |
Incline DB Fly | 3 sets | 8-12 reps | 60-90 sec rest |
Upright Rows | 3 sets | 8-12 reps | 60-90 sec rest |
Cable Lateral Raises | 2 sets | 15-20 reps | 60 sec rest |
Tricep Dips x Overhead Rope Extensions | 2-3 sets | 10-15 reps | 60 sec rest |
Pull Ups | 4-5 sets | Max full range reps | 90 sec rest |
Bent Over Barbell Rows | 3-4 sets | 6-10 reps | 90-120 sec rest |
T-Bar Rows | 3 sets | 8-12 reps | 60-90 sec rest |
Rear Delt Flys | 3-4 sets | 10-15 reps | 60-90 sec rest |
Shrugs | 3 sets | 8-12 reps with 2 sec holds at top | 90 sec rest |
Hammer Curls | 2-3 sets | 10-15 reps | 60 sec rest |
Barbell Deadlifts | 4-5 sets | 4-8 reps | 2 min rest |
Front Squat or Leg Press | 3-4 sets | 8-12 reps | 90-120 sec rest |
Good Mornings | 3 sets | 10-12 reps | 90 sec rest |
Bulgarian Split Squats | 3 sets | 8-12 reps each side | 90 sec rest |
Leg Curl x Leg Extension | 2 sets | 10-15 reps each | 60 sec rest |
Seated or Donkey Calf Raises | 3 sets | 10-20 reps | 60 sec rest |
Core: Either choose 1 core exercise to do at the end of every workout or do 2-3 core exercises for one A and one B workout.
Static Stretching: While weightlifting itself is a form of stretching and mobility training (if you are moving in a full range of motion), static stretching is great for those who need to improve their range of motion and flexibility. Moreover, it can help with recovery. You can do short 5-10 min static stretching sessions after each workout, focusing on the main muscles and joints of that workout, or a couple times a week focusing on the whole body.
Here are a few final things to know about your six day workout plan...
Do the big lifts first, then the accessory compound lifts, and finally, isolation exercises.
You will need more energy and strength for your big compound movements as you will be using heavy loads and these are the real result producers, so you want to put your all into them.
Generally speaking, here are the goals based on reps & weight load:
That said, you can build pure size in any rep range as long as you are bringing your muscles close to failure. That’s what it takes to build muscle. So, there will be a crossover between all three goals no matter what rep range you work in.
We recommend that you work in all rep ranges to build versatility and well-roundedness.
However, here are the best rep ranges to work in based on the exercises at hand:
The wide rep ranges for each will allow you to progressive overload, perform pyramid schemes, alter weight loads for specific goals, and so on.
For a more in-depth look at optimizing rest time for hypertrophy and strength, check out this article.
Progressive overload involves gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts over the course of your training period. By doing this, you will be able to build muscle or strength because your muscles will be adequately stressed for continual adaptation.
Progressive Overload Methods Include:
If the plan we have for you involves too much volume, you can adjust by making it 3 sets instead of 4, or 2 sets instead of 3, then you can progress by adding sets to the exercises.
Progress should look like this:
Range of Motion ---> Increase Reps ---> Increase Sets ---> Increase Weight Load
So, if the plan has an exercise that calls for 5-8 reps of 4-5 sets. Then you may start with 5-6 reps and eventually work up to 8 reps, then add an additional set, then finally increase the weight load.
Learn all about how to progressive overload.
When it comes to lifting 6 days a week, recovery becomes even more paramount (albeit, it’s important for all workout splits).
Below are a few common questions we often get asked regarding working out 6 days a week.
You should stick with the plan for 8-12 weeks. If you do this, you will see great results starting to occur at week 4. If properly recovering, gains in strength and stamina will be apparent quickly. As for hypertrophy gains, you should definitely see good results after a training cycle (8-12 weeks).
After 8-12 weeks, take a rest period of 1-2 weeks, then start a new plan. You can keep the same plan if you’d like as well, or just make small adjustments like the order of your workout or the rep scheme. For example, you may simply just want to do reps of 10-15 for you big lifts rather than reps of 5-8. You may also want to try different accessory exercises. The most important thing is that you take a week or two off to let your body fully recover from the training cycle and to avoid overtraining. You should be doing this every 8-12 weeks, year round.
Your workouts should last no longer than 60 minutes, which includes warm up and warm up sets. This is the perfect time zone for a metabolic workout, which is what you want for hypertrophy and fat loss.
You workout should consist of mainly compound exercises, with one or two main lifts per workout, followed by accessory compound lifts, and if there's time and it's needed, some isolation work.
A 6 day split is one of the most effective workout splits for accelerating and maximizing muscle growth and strength. However, this is usually only true for those who have a solid foundation in fitness. If you are new to lifting weights, a 3 day, 4 day, and at most, 5 day workout split is typically better as it allows for enough recovery time.
If your workouts are intense, you will need more time to recover. Experienced lifters understand how to optimize both their workouts and recovery to allow for 6 days of training per week.
Without a good understanding of how to structure your workouts, control intensity/weight load/rep ranges, and recover properly, 6 days of weightlifting per week can lead to overtraining and even injury, which is obviously counterproductive.
On the flip side, low intensity workouts 6 days per week, which a beginner could manage, will not be as effective as 3 high intensity workouts. So, there’s no point to train more often for worse results.
As such, not all 6 day training splits are created equal...
There are many ways to go about creating a 6 day workout split. A 6 day workout split can involve training each muscle group once, twice or even three times per week.
A 6 day workout split that involves training each muscle group about once a week would be something a more novice lifter could manage as it allows for enough recovery time based on each muscle group.
However, the general consensus is that the most effective 6 day split will be one that trains each muscle group at least twice a week. This is what makes a 6 day split so appealing.
For those who have good recovery practice, they can capitalize on protein synthesis with a 6 day split.
Muscle protein synthesis (which is a naturally occurring process for repairing muscle and hypertrophy) levels off at around 36-48 hours after a good workout. So, ideally, you could hit the same muscle group every third day and constantly keep that process going while not letting DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) get in the way. This is a lot easier said than done. Again, a good workout formula and good recovery practices (sleep, diet, hydration) are key to achieving this.
Our goal is to teach you how to do this. That said, we really want to stress that our 6 day training split is not for newbies. If you are a beginner, get on one of our 3 day, 4 day or 5 day splits for a couple months.
It depends on whether you are adequately recovering between workouts for each muscle group, how intense your workouts are, how long your sessions are, are you doing any other kind of training (sports, running, yoga, etc). It really just depends.
If you are doing effective workouts, pretty much just sticking to weight lifting, and you are recovery properly, then it’s perfectly fine to lift 6 days per week...
But you need the right plan (which we have for you below). It needs to be designed in a way that is intense and effective enough to see great results yet allows each muscle group enough recovery time. This takes a much more fine tuned balance between the two than it does with 3 or 4 day splits.
If you enjoy lifting, then you can make it work. A lot of people love lifting 6 days a week because it makes them feel great!
However, one big issue is it’s not always obvious whether you getting enough rest. Your lifestyle will really determine if lifting 6 days a week is good for you. This includes your eating habits, sleep schedule, and stress.
If you are not eating well, sleeping well, you are stressed from work, and you are lifting damn near every day for long workout sessions, it will be a recipe for disaster, or in other words, overtraining.
The most common signs of overtraining are:
Some people may even experience a loss of sex drive, insomnia, depression, reduced appetite, and the list goes on.
Needless to say, this is completely counterproductive. It’s far worse than undertraining.
If you feel you are overtraining, you need to take a rest from lifting. Even advanced trainees will experience overtraining, as lifestyle changes can creep up on you.
The best way to avoid overtraining is to choose the right workout split that works with your lifestyle. And if you do decide to do a 6 day workout split, then take 1-2 weeks off from training every 8-12 weeks. This is called periodization and it’s vital to avoiding overtraining, no matter what fitness level you are.
Prepare to maximize your gains with our exclusive 12-week hypertrophy training program. Choose between a 4 or 5 day training split and gain 2-12 pounds of muscle over 90 days...
You can structure a 6 day bodyweight split exactly like the above splits. You will just be doing bodyweight exercises.
For bodyweight training, you likely need to do high reps to work your muscles to near failure. You will also need to focus on progressive overload methods like decreasing rest time and increasing volume more. But overall, you should see great results with a 6 day bodyweight split. You won’t get massive, but you can get into fantastic shape, building a lean and mean athletic body.
Here are the best bodyweight exercises to focus on:
The list goes on, but the above all are musts in our opinion.
Bodyweight Resources:
Have questions about 6 day workout splits? Feel free to reach out to us by email or leave a comment below.
Other Training Splits:
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