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This is the first full length, follow along, steel mace workout that we’ve put online and we are absolutely thrilled to share it with you all. It is a 30 minute beginner full body steel mace workout and it starts with a dynamic bodyweight warm up. This is the kind of workout that will bring the warrior spirit out of you, and we have Paulina Kairys to thank for it.
The workout starts with a 5 minute dynamic, bodyweight warm up. Then Paulina goes through some steel mace technique builders that specifically relate to the workout to come. She demonstrates how to do specific hand switches for the exercises in the workout, how the mace should be gripped, and other important mace movements to prime you for the workout. After that, Paulina demonstrates the 4 exercises that will make up this full body steel mace workout. Each exercise is explained and demonstrated so you can follow along and you know exactly how to perform it with the correct form.
Finally, the real workout begins. The steel mace workout consists of 4 exercises, done for 3 rounds, with minimal rest. It’s about 17 minutes in total and because Paulina Kairys is such a great coach, it is super easy to follow along with. All the exercises are clearly explained before and during, with necessary cues throughout to make sure you maintain good form. This is a total body steel mace workout that’s going to kick your butt! All you need is a steel mace.
Hand Switches:
Important Movement:
Paulina Kairys gives a great tutorial for each of these steel mace exercises so you will know how to do them with correct form and in the most effective manner (i.e. how to create more tension, where the mace should be, how it should be gripped, etc.).
Get our steel mace training e-guide if you want to learn tons of mace exercises and all the technique builders you'll need to become a highly skilled mace trainee.
4 Exercises x 3 Rounds
Exercise 1: SWITCH SQUATS (40 seconds work)
Exercise 2: BATTLE LUNGE (30 seconds work each side)
Exercise 3: STIFF LEGGED DEADLIFT | ROW (30 seconds work each side)
Exercise 4: PLANK CROSSOVER (40 seconds work)
- 10-15 seconds rest between exercises
- 30 seconds rest between rounds
1. T-stance Internal and external shoulder rotations with a side bend.
- 25 seconds alternating sides
2. Later with Reach
- 25 seconds alternating sides
3. Thoracic Rotations with Reach
- 25 seconds alternating sides
4. Overhead Squat | Shin Grab Leg Extension | Rolling Stand
- 5 reps
5. Hip Opener in Deep Squat Position
- 20 seconds alternating sides
6. Plank | World’s Greatest Stretch | Downward Dog | Feet Marches
- Two times each side
7. 90/90 Stretch
- 30 seconds alternating sides
Paulina Kairys explains how to do each of these dynamic stretches and how you should be breathing throughout. So all you have to do is listen, watch and follow along.
Technique Builder #1: Basic Hand Switch (5:05)
Under/Over Grip
The Basic Hand Switch is first demonstrated statically (piece by piece), then dynamically (one fluid motion).
Technique Builder #2: Steel Mace Uppercut (7:30)
Over/Over Grip
Technique Builder #3: Joust Switch (8:40)
Extend arm forward, removing your top hand from the mace handle. Grab it with your free hand as it reaches your center line and then free your bottom hand. Then pull it to the other side as you simultaneously use your free hand to grab the top side of the handle, hands at over/over.
This joust switch is done to change sides for the Battle Lunge exercise.
If all this seems confusing, just watch the video or click the designated time stamp above.
1. Switch Squats (9:39)
2. Battle Lunge (10:05)
3. Stiff Legged Deadlift to Row (10:58)
4. Plank Crossover (11:45)
30 seconds water break, then...***THE WORKOUT STARTS***
4 Exercises x 3 Rounds
Exercise 1: Switch Squats x 40 seconds
15 seconds rest
Exercise 2: Battle Lunge x 30 seconds each side
15 seconds rest
Exercise 3: Stiff Legged Deadlift to Row x 30 seconds each side
15 seconds rest
Exercise 4: Plank Crossover x 40 seconds
Water Break: 30 Seconds
Exercise 1: Switch Squats x 40 seconds
15 seconds rest
Exercise 2: Battle Lunge x 30 seconds each side
15 seconds rest
Exercise 3: Stiff Legged Deadlift to Row x 30 seconds each side
15 seconds rest
Exercise 4: Plank Crossover x 40 seconds
Water Break: 30 Seconds
Exercise 1: Switch Squats x 40 seconds
15 seconds rest
Exercise 2: Battle Lunge x 30 seconds each side
15 seconds rest
Exercise 3: Stiff Legged Deadlift to Row x 30 seconds each side
15 seconds rest
Exercise 4: Plank Crossover x 40 seconds
If you are worried that you can’t do these steel mace exercises because you don’t know how, don’t be, because Paulina gives you all the instructions needed to do the exercises effectively with correct form.
This is a great workout to add to your weekly routine. Throw this steel mace workout on your TV or set your phone down in your workout space and follow along anytime you have a spare 30 minutes. It's at your command, on demand!
You can do this workout anytime you want to get a non-running "cardio workout” in or you want to do a workout that is going to get your heart racing so you can burn some calories.
Note: We still recommend running, standard cardio, but if you are short on time and you want to burn some calories, throw this on your phone or tv and crush the workout.
But that's not all this workout is good for...
Feeling stiff? Do this workout.
Want to do a full body resistance workout? Do this workout.
All in all, there is no wrong time to do this workout.
Do we recommend doing it every day? NO, as you should have variety in your workout routine. But once or twice a week, this workout is perfect…even for a two day workout, on top of your current training plan.
What’s more, this workout will hold up with time. It will be a great workout to do once a week for a month, two months, or more. It’s there anytime you want to get your blood and muscles pumping and burn some calories.
Is this steel mace workout just for beginners? Absolutely not. We labeled it as such due to the ease of learning the movements in this specific workout. But it works for all fitness levels as you can control the difficulty. So no matter what your fitness level is, this will be an effective mace workout.
Steel mace training isn’t your traditional style training, with static movements through single planes of motion, targeting one muscle group. Steel mace training involves exercises that move you through multiple planes of motion, utilizing larger chains of muscles with dynamic, complex movements. Exercises with a steel mace emphasize focus, rotation, stability, and natural ranges of motion. It trains you to move like human, rather than a robot. The steel mace will prepare you to move with force, intention and resilience.
What’s more, steel mace workouts are fun, albeit challenging. Every movement is a test of your athleticism, coordination, and balance, thanks to the offset load of the mace. You can’t just “go through the motions” with a steel mace. It works your mind and your body.
The steel mace is an age old tool. In fact, it’s probably the oldest style of weapon. It brings out the warrior in all of us. It’s evolution circling back on us. People use to train with awkward objects before all the perfectly balanced “conventional” equipment came into existence. We've now rediscovered the odd training tools.
The steel mace is more than just lifting to get big muscles, it’s about moving better and becoming hard to kill.
Now, this may all sound silly, but pick up the mace, do this workout with Paulina, and tell us we are wrong. And this is just a beginner workout. This beginner workout has movements that anyone can learn on the fly, unlike a lot of other mace exercises that require more time and effort to learn. Nevertheless, that doesn’t make this full body mace workout easy. The rest time is low, the working time is long (relative to the total time of the workout), which means your heart will be pumping, burning tons of calories and fat in a short time. On top of that, this workout will put resistance on your core, shoulders, and stabilizer muscles, as do most mace exercises thanks to the offset nature of the tool.
All in all, if you want a fun and challenging mace workout that you can follow along with once or twice a week, let this be the one to start with. We have more coming.
Want to learn about the other benefits of mace training and how you can use steel mace?
Related: Top 9 Steel Mace Training Benefits
The steel mace is the perfect tool for everyone. Bodyweight/Calisthenics, Powerlifters, Bodybuilders, Home/Garage Gym Workout Enthusiasts, Athletes, and the list goes on. It has its place in all realms of fitness. Why? Because the mace is unlike any other piece of equipment and it offers benefits that everyone needs.
With a steel mace, you can improve muscle imbalances, coordination, core stability, grip strength, and shoulder mobility, all while improving muscle endurance and overall conditioning.
It's a great dynamic warm up and recovery implement for a powerlifter, the tool every stiff bodybuilder needs, and the perfect complement to boost bodyweight and calisthenic workouts.
The steel mace isn’t the piece of equipment to get huge muscles with, instead it’s there to help you move better and be more fluid. It’s there to help you get lean, full of stamina, and resilient to injury.
Can it be used every day? Absolutely. From warming up with 360 and 10 to 2 swings to supersetting with a kettlebell or barbell exercise, to doing a killer mace-only HIIT workout, the steel mace can be thrown in to your workout every day and in every way.
Want another full length mace workout? Try this 12 minute steel mace AMRAP workout by Paulina Kairys!
If you want to buy a steel mace, SET FOR SET is your go-to mace supplier. We aim to produce the best steel mace bells on the market and we are always pumping out content for you to follow. The steel mace is our bread and butter, it’s what we focus on completely, so you can trust we do it right.
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