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This Resistance Band & Bodyweight Circuit Workout is location independent, so save those excuses for someone else ;) It is a full body workout designed for anyone who wants to switch up their workout routine, and it's great for those who travel for work (or play) and don't have the time to hit the gym. Resistance bands and bodyweight exercises provide you with a low-cost, low-impact, portable full body workout that will kick your butt just as much as an intense workout at the gym.
Follow this effective total body resistance band circuit workout to get (or stay) summer ready. Leave your excuses at the door, but don't forget your bands!
Our guide has over 250 exercises categorized by mobility, mobilization, resistance training, barbell training, explosive training, static stretching, and (p)rehabilitation...
Who is this resistance band workout for?
This bodyweight and resistance band workout is for men and women who want to burn calories, lose fat, get tone, and build core strength. It's quick yet effective and it can be done anywhere!
Workout Routine: Circuit Workout
Complete 1 round of each circuit for the recommended time. Once you finish all 3 circuits, repeat each circuit for 1 more round. So, in total you will do each circuit twice. Make sure you use the rest periods wisely, this workout routine will have your muscles screaming and fat melting. If the exercise is one-sided make sure to perform the exercises on the opposite side for the second round.
Circuit 1 x 1 round
Circuit 2 x 1 round
Circuit 3 x 1 round
Repeat each circuit for 1 more round (do the single arm exercises on the opposite side for the second round)
Note: Rest 30 seconds after each round (total rest time will be 2.5 minutes)
Warm Up: Take 3 minutes to do this dynamic warm up before you start the workout.
This 21-minute full-body resistance band and bodyweight circuit workout is great for burning a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Use as much intensity as you can and focus on full range of motion with each rep. If you doing this workout right, you should definitely get a great pump and work up a mean sweat.
Cool down:
Make sure to stretch after completing this resistance band workout!
For five workouts with walkthroughs check out our SFS Five Workout Program.
The SFS FIVE Resistance Band Workout Package has 5 fun and challenging full length workouts using only resistance bands. Each workout targets different muscle groups. Together, the 5 workouts make for the perfect weekly workout routine.
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Sam Coleman