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At some point in life, everybody's neck and shoulders become tight, stiff and sore. From office workers to athletes to couch potatoes, no one is spared. Thankfully, with a few simple techniques using massage balls for myofascial release and resistance bands for stretches, you can release tension in your stiff, sore neck and shoulders.
The most common causes of a stiff neck are bending the neck down to look at a phone or computer for extended periods of time and poor posture. Having your neck bent to look down for long periods of time causes the neck muscles to overstretch and it overuses them. Poor posture has the same effect. Luckily, this is easily fixed with the techniques we will show you below and you can simply adjust your seating and improve your posture to avoid it happening in the future.
Other causes of a stiff neck are minor sprains and strains, which can happen from sports or workouts as well as sitting for prolonged periods of time or sleeping awkward. Stiff neck can also be caused by whiplash or arthritis. If you think your stiff neck is caused by whiplash or arthritis, then you should consult a doctor before doing the exercises below.
Poor posture and bending your neck over to look at a computer or phone for long periods of time each day can cause tight shoulders just like it can cause a stiff neck. Your shoulders may also be tight from overtraining them or an injury. It could even be poor sleeping positions. Reflect on your day, your training and your sleeping habits and you should be able to determine the cause.
Stiff neck and shoulders often go hand in hand because the causes are the same. Moreover, often times, when your shoulders are tight, your neck will become tight. Therefore, we first address tightness in the shoulders and then tightness in the neck.
We must also emphasize the importance of improving your posture!
To release tension in your neck and shoulders, adjust your habits and spend 5-10 minutes a day doing the following movements/trigger point releases.
Give these easy trigger point release massage ball exercises and dynamic resistance band stretches a try to cure your neck and shoulder pain.
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
2. Place the massage ball on your rear delt where it connects with your back.
3. Lean towards your shoulder for more pressure.
4. Start rocking your arms in a small semi-circular motion or side to side with your arms in a 90-degree position, targeting any tight pain points.
5. After 20-30 seconds move on to the next sore spot in your rear delt and rotator cuff area.
Repeat on the opposite side.
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
2. Place the massage ball under your back in-between your trap and your scapula.
3. Keep your arm that is on the same side as the ball straight and move it up and down (to your side then over your head).
4. Adjust the ball's position slightly to target any pain points in the area.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Spend 30-60 seconds on each side.
**For added pressure and a deeper massage, lift your butt off the ground using the extra bodyweight to really dig in.
1. Lie down on the ground.
2. Place the lacrosse ball in-between your front delt and your outer pec, close to your armpit.
3. Keep your arm straight or in a 90-degree position and pull towards your lower body without causing discomfort in your shoulder joint.
4. For added pressure, push your opposite hand into the ground, so that you are leaning into the ball.
5. Roll the length of your pecs and front delt for 30-60 seconds.
Repeat on the other side.
1. Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor.
2. Place the peanut massage ball on your upper spine, just above your traps.
3. Roll up and down the length of your upper back and lower neck, massaging the sore spots away. 60 seconds should be enough, but do it as long as you feel is necessary.
**To get a deeper massage place your hands across your chest and repeat the rolling movement.
1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
2. Hold the resistance band in front of your thighs.
3. Relax your shoulders and circle your arms over your head behind you.
4. Reverse this circle back to starting position.
Complete 10-15 repetitions.
1. Extend both arms in front of you; holding the resistance band towards the ends (bring your hands closer together for more tension).
2. Start the movement by performing a reverse fly, moving your hands out to the side of your body.
3. Keep your elbows extended until the band touches your chest.
4. In a controlled way, return to starting position.
Complete 10-15 repetitions.
Related: 7 Resistance Band Rehab & Strengthening Exercises for Shoulders
Dynamic stretches are movements that bring your muscles through their full range of motion. They are not like static stretches where you hold a stretch for an extended period of time and bring the muscles past their normal range of motion. So, by doing dynamic stretches with resistance bands, you can improve mobility and release tightness by allowing your shoulders to open up without overstretching them.
You can do these dynamic shoulder stretches and strengthening exercises everyday if you'd like. Do 10 reps of each per day and see how you feel.
If you don't want to do them every day, just do them when you feel tight or a couple times a week. These exercises are not demanding and they are not lengthening your muscles past their normal range of motion, so there is no harm in doing them often.
Myofacial release is great because it releases both tension and it improves mobility without stretching the muscle. Obviously this is important for muscles that have become tight from overusing and overstretching them.
With the improved mobility and release of tension, you can benefit from a relief of pain and you can stand taller with good posture.
These myofascial release exercises combined with simple neck stretches can be performed daily. It will have you feeling better in no time. If you stay consistent with this 5-7 minute routine you will have a long-term fix for stiff neck and shoulder muscles.
Just remember, these exercises don't replace the need to strengthen the shoulders and neck muscles. Combine them with shoulder strengthening routines to get the best of both worlds.
Related: 12 Massage Ball Exercises for a Full Body Self-Massage & Release
Keep doing this routine a couple times a week to ensure you never have a stiff neck and tight shoulders again!
Also, work on improving your posture, sleeping habits and sitting habits!
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