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Training and increased physical activity are crucial to any successful weight loss program. However, this variable is relatively easy to accomplish. What ruins most people's attempt at weight loss is nutrition – but it's not because they don't know they need to "eat less"; they just don't know what to eat.
This article will try to break down this somewhat confusing yet often over-complicated topic and break down the best weight loss meals.
This is an interesting question many people rightfully have. In reality, the answer is "anything!"
No food causes weight loss; rather, it's the amount of food you eat. With this in mind, there are foods that definitely make it easier to lose weight by not eating as much.
This is where we get into the conversation concerning whole and processed foods.
Here's a fact that illustrates the issue with processed foods: did you know that the population is simultaneously obese while also being malnourished?¹ In other words, people are eating too many calories yet are still missing out on important micronutrients.
Whole foods refer to any food that's in its natural state, such as;
On the other hand, processed foods have gone under some form of processing.
Now, "processed" can refer to a large range of foods. For example, yogurt and nut butter are technically processed. However, in this context, we're mostly concerned with;
These are foods that are high in calories yet lack nutritional value. Collectively, this can cause several issues, many of which are in direct conflict with losing weight;
On the contrary, whole foods offer a ton of benefits, such as;
Of all foods that have shown to be effective in weight loss meals, high protein has been perhaps the most consistent.² Eating high-protein diets provides a ton of benefits with 3 optimizing weight loss.
What this means is, let's pretend we have two diets with the same calories. However, the macro breakdown is different.
Assuming energy expenditure through activity is the same, Diet 2 will result in greater fat loss!
In addition to your overall diet, high-protein foods can be used strategically as appetizing snacks or even food deterrents! Let us explain.
Let's say you need to go to a business dinner, and the food is not exactly healthy. To make matters worse, you acknowledge that you can sometimes overeat when dealing with highly palatable foods.
To help mitigate cravings, have a high-protein snack before you go. This can be something simple like a grilled chicken breast with any seasoning you like.
Another food you can't eat enough of is high-fiber foods—many dieticians even tell some clients not to count calories!
So what is fiber? Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is non-digestible and comes in two main forms;
Both forms of fiber have benefits, but when it comes to weight loss, soluble fiber tends to stand out. This is because when it dissolves in water, some sources don't break down entirely. Rather, they absorb water and expand into a gel-like substance.
This gel-like substance sits in your gut and;
As a result, it gives you the sensation of feeling full and is very effective in weight loss diets!³
That's enough reason, but keep in mind this is in addition to all of the other benefits, such as;
So, does fiber have calories?
Well, it seems to depend on the type. The best assumption tends to be;
However, as we mentioned, counting calories isn't a massive deal when discussing fiber.
Weight-loss meals only work if you understand how weight loss occurs in the first place.
Therefore, let's first go over how we lose weight in the first place.
We always hear about the word "calorie" – what is that?
A calorie is simply a measure of energy. Technically, when we say "calorie," we're referring to a kilocalorie, or 1,000 "small calories."
Nevertheless, this is what is constantly being consumed and expelled during our lives –
It's how our body can power movement and processes.
This cycle of consuming calories and using calories is what generates the term "Calories In, Calories Out."
Calories In vs Calories Out (CICO) is a very basic, fundamental guideline by which weight loss occurs, or weight gain. It goes like this.
All this says is that your weight loss requires you to burn more calories than you consume. Simple.
In today's world of social media, many people like to overcomplicate the concept of CICO. They will take it and point out "errors" such as;
All of that is true. However, none of them "disprove" CICO. It just means that there are other factors to consider when making your weight loss diet.
CICO is not the ultimate rule; it's meant to be the guideline that dictates your diet and activity levels.
Of course, there is nuance to this, and we will review much of it below.
All this to say, CICO has two components that you can control;
Both of these components can work together to optimize weight loss or sabotage and cancel each other out.
For example, perhaps you expend a ton of calories daily. However, you live eating pizza and Ben & Jerry's. In fact, many runners joke about their love of running so they can eat junk!
On the other hand, maybe you control your diet, but you sit all day. A sedentary lifestyle can similarly sabotage a healthy diet.
The important part is to understand that both of these play a role in a long-term weight management program.
As we mentioned above, there is more to a diet apart from calories—calories are simply the component that directly affects weight loss. Therefore, to dive a little deeper into what makes a quality weight loss diet, a crucial component to understand is the nutritional breakdown of a food.
The macronutrients of food are named as their nutrients, which your body needs in large quantities to optimize function. In total, there are just 3 macronutrients;
Each of these has unique qualities that make them essential for health. In addition, these have another very important role in your diet – this is where you get your calories from.
Protein is the body's "muscle-building" nutrient. A protein is composed of strings of amino acids.
These amino acids all have specific functions but work together to trigger muscle protein synthesis and act as the building blocks of muscle.
But protein is much more important than muscle-building, especially when losing weight. Some of its functions include;
At the same time, protein is involved in many other functions, such as hormone balance.
Fat is the macronutrient with the highest energy yield, 9 calories per gram. Now, this doesn't mean fat is bad; it just means you need to be conscious when consuming fats
Its functions in the body are vast. They can include;
Carbohydrates are the third macronutrient and have the broadest range of dose consumption. In addition, it has the least amount of essential functions.
This does not mean carbs are bad, nor do we believe in the "carbs are bad" movement.
Carbs are sugars broken down into the molecule glucose, aka blood sugar. One essential function of glucose is brain function.
Performance-wise, carbs can supply energy quicker for high-intense activity. Other studies also suggest they may play a role in muscle growth.
With that said, fiber is a very important nutrient.
While most people are somewhat aware of the 3 macronutrients, micronutrients are rarely spoken about.
Micronutrients are simply the nutrients your body needs in a small amount for optimal function. Where macronutrients are measured in grams, micronutrients are generally measured in milligrams.
The two main categories of micronutrients are;
There are dozens of micronutrients essential for bodily function.
However, these are rarely spoken about in terms of our diet. Unfortunately, many of our day-to-day issues are a result of various nutritional deficiencies such as;
Another crucial aspect is that, too often, people are only concerned about their macros. As long as they hit their macros, their diet is "good."
Now that we know the basics of your food choices, you need to look closer at the ideal food composition of your diet.
Your Macro Breakdown is a way of describing what your diet consists of ratio-wise.
For this, we will use an imaginary person who weighs 75kg and wants to eat 2,000 calories daily.
As we discussed above, protein is the most important macro in weight loss.
For this reason, we recommend you eat at least 2.0 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight daily. However, other studies have shown that eating as much as 2.5g/kg can offer even greater benefits.
At the end of the day, this usually comes out to 30-35% of your total calories.
Let's say you agree on eating 2.0g/kg at 75kg
When it comes to fat, the optimal range can vary depending on people's food preferences. However, there is a minimum level everyone should adhere to.
This number has varied in the past, increasing as we better understand the importance of fat.
It was once suggested that at least 20% of calories come from fat. This percentage then moved to 25%, and now some have even suggested 40%.
While 40% works, we generally stick to 30% for a minimum. This is how it works with an imaginary diet plan.
Carbs are easy as you simply fill in the rest of your calories with carbs.
You can then take these numbers and figure out our meals.
If you need to make adjustments, you should keep your protein intake the same and change your fat and carb intake.
The amount of meals you eat throughout the day is largely up to the individual. However, with no other input, we suggest 4-5 meals throughout the day. This can look like;
Regardless, the one consistent thing is every meal should include a good portion of protein.
Ideally, you divide the protein evenly, but the main component is each meal should include at least 20g, preferably 25g. This does a few things;
We went over the nutrition side of an effective weight loss diet above. Now, we want to address some different ideas you can use to help curb your appetite and improve your weight loss.
These include various tips and tricks to modify your eating behavior.
Meal prep is the practice of preparing multiple meals in one day so you have your meals planned and ready to go.
This is the single best way to ensure you stick to your calories, assuming you don't eat extra. Of course, it requires some time to plan out and prepare your meals, but it will become easier as you do it longer.
Some people opt to make their meals for the entire week. However, you could also meal-prep twice a week. Further, consider that you don't need to prep your breakfast (usually), so you're only prepping your big meals.
This is a crucial step, so we have a whole article on meal prep that you can check out here!
Let's be honest. Unless you have a personal chef, you won't be making fine delicacies every meal. Heck, even making different food for each meal can be taxing.
But you don't have to.
When you begin, find a couple of meals you like and can prepare easily. You can then rotate through these and add to them as you go.
Food order refers to which food you eat first during your meal. While this may seem silly, it can greatly affect your overall caloric consumption. This comes down to two factors,
The basic idea is to start your meals with foods of higher satiety. Generally, this includes lean proteins of foods high in fiber. In fact, studies have shown that eating a simple salad before a meal increases fullness before the main course and decreases calorie consumption.⁴
You should then eat your carbs last.
This is a little trick that can actually have a huge impact on our diet. Oftentimes, we eat high-calorie foods when we're hungry. Curbing this hunger can make it easier to control calorie consumption.
This is actually similar to what we said above about eating protein first to curb your appetite.
Most people have heard the concept of not going shopping when hungry – this also applies to going out to eat!
Eating a high-protein snack before you go out or order by phone can significantly affect your hunger levels and decisions!
With that said, we have a healthy grocery list you can start with coming in the near future!
There's a lot of confusion surrounding eating in the evening. People generally believe that eating at night results in more fat gain because your body's metabolism slows down at night".
This isn't necessarily true. This has a lot of nuance, but in reality, most theories miss the mark.
To us, cutting yourself off at night has nothing to do with your metabolism and everything to do with overeating and food selection.
If you were to ask many people who struggle with cravings and overeating, they would tell you they're fine in the evening. However, in the evening, they get cravings for junk food and engage in pleasure eating.
Whether this is due to habit or genetics isn't really that important. It is important that many people can mitigate this by simply cutting off their feeding time – a simple barrier is all they need.
Similar to the above, many people fall for their cravings because they're accessible. However, simply not keeping ultra-processed foods in the house and removing the temptation is all they need.
Now, this doesn't mean you can't ever have ice cream. However, when you want it, you should go out and get it! Or at least order it.
Further, only order a single serving! Don't buy a 2-for-1 cookie dough ice cream special, so you'll have more for later. If you indulge in these foods occasionally, that's fine. However, it shouldn't be seen as a normal diet. Rather, it's a little something-something to enjoy once in a while.
Instead, when you do go out to eat, buy some healthy snacks!
Building a weight-loss meal is easy. Anyone can do it, and we'll show you some steps to ensure you get all your nutrients while keeping your calories low (and making it tasty!).
Here are some of our favorite meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner! In reality, you can eat any of the meals below anytime you want!
For more low-calorie dinner ideas, check out our list of favorites coming soon!
As you go through these, we really want you to spark some imagination so you can see how easy it really is to make healthy meals.
Note: Some of these ingredients are for 1 serving while others are 4 or 6. Therefore, some of the nutritional information will have two numbers; single serving / total amount in batch.
Overnight oats are a classic meal for building muscle. They're extremely easy to make and make the perfect breakfast.
One great thing we love about overnight oats is you can customize it any way you want. For example,
This option has virtually endless possibilities. All you need is a quality Greek Yogurt and whatever toppings you like.
Some that we recommend are;
You can add whatever you want, and however much you want, depending on your calorie and macro needs.
Omelets are a classic breakfast item but also extremely nutritious and delicious. Why we like them so much is because they're simple and highly versatile.
From here, you can then add chicken breast chunks for more pure protein or even some ham steak. Another option is to just make scrambled eggs, in which you likely don't need to use butter.
This is kind of like breakfast, kind of like lunch – or whenever you want. This egg and spinach pita is a delicious, healthy meal that's also light on the stomach.
Tip: If you want to increase protein, add some chicken chunks.
We love this meal because it's so easy to make and has literally infinite variations. Many times, this is used for weight gain or weight maintenance. However, we can make some easy changes to make it a lower-calorie option.
Chicken and avocado are a powerhouse of protein and nutrients. It's one of our favorites and easy to make.
We love the whole family of "Caprese" foods. Mozzarella and tomato are absolutely delicious, and with added chicken, it's a high-protein, healthy sandwich for whenever.
To minimize calories, you could opt for one slice of bread.
*You can skip opt for different pesto spreads to reduce calories.
Lemon chicken with vegetables guarantees you get a ton of nutrients and minerals in addition to your protein!
Italian food always delivers! This cacciatore delivers protein and a ton of flavor!
It's crucial to get some omegas in your diet, and salmon is our favorite way to get it done.
This easy bake recipe lets you prepare this meal in no time.
Asian food always delivers taste. This beef stir-fry is one of our favorites, as it packs a ton of protein with low calories.
Steak. It's what's for dinner!
We find that pan-sear steak is easy to prepare, especially for beginners. You don't need to go through the hassle of preparing a grill to heat up or getting the right temperature.
There are many recipes out there, but here's a recipe to spark some ideas.
*You can divide it into 2 meals
You can also just put your own meals together using simple protein and vegetables. For example:
Figure out what you like, and go for it!
Okay, so now that you have some delicious meals, let's go over some ideas for easy meals and snacks.
These are going to be smaller meals for when you're in a rush or just want a little something to hold you over.
Above, we went over a fancier omelet, but it doesn't need to be.
Making an omelet or some scrambled eggs is relatively quick and simple. You can use whatever ingredients you want to increase the nutritional value. For example, here are some nutritional stats for common ingredients
If you end up loving this, we highly recommend you prep the ingredients beforehand (i.e., a big bowl of chicken chunks, diced onions, and peppers). This meal will then take no time.
One way to cut calories and increase protein is to use egg whites.
Tip: To really make this easy, consider microwaving the eggs. Whisk everything you want together in an appropriate bowl and heat up!
Another real fast meal is a wrap or open-face sandwich!
We generally like wraps rather than bread, as you can find lower-calorie options that tend to have other nutrients. For example, spinach wraps or even egg-white wraps.
However, you could also make an open-faced sandwich (just one slice). Killer Mike's bread is popular because it packs a ton of nutrients and has options from 70 to 90 calories per slice.
Once you decide what you want, you can throw it all in a wrap or make a sandwich, and you're ready to go!
Regardless, once you have deli meat, all you need to do is throw it in a wrap with any vegetables, toppings, and spread, and you're set.
Some favorite meats:
This is one of our favorite and easiest meal preps. It only contains 4 primary ingredients with any seasoning you'd like, as well as awesome smaller foods.
Incredibly simple yet delicious.
Adding your favorites can easily transform a protein shake into a meal replacement.
One of our favorite protein shakes includes;
These foods deliver a powerhouse of protein, vitamins, fiber, and deliciousness. Plus, they're incredibly filling.
Sometimes, we just want a little snack to hold us over. Here are some ideas to use when you need a quick bite.
For a larger list, check out our huge list dropping soon!
Apple slice and nut butter is a classic snack that still holds value.
Be mindful about the nut butter, as many can be relatively high in calories. Therefore, use sparingly for taste when you're really trying to control calories.
1 medium apple with 2 tbsp of peanut butter will come out to around 240 calories.
We love hummus. This Middle Eastern dish is made from mashed chickpeas and is absolutely delicious.
Brands can vary, but 1/4 cup of hummus can contain around 70-100 calories. You can then pair that with the vegetable stick of your choice, such as;
These vegetables provide fiber, and the hummus offers healthy fats and protein. This combination is both filling and nutritious.
We love the caprese sandwich, but sometimes we just don't want the bread. No problem!
Cutting some tomato slices and placing mozzarella slices on top is all you need. You can either heat these up or eat them cold. Plus, feel free to add some basil or a little vinegar and oil.
Depending on how you make them, 4 medium tomato slices with 8 oz of mozzarella cheese (2oz on each tomato slice), will yield 4 pieces totaling around 260 calories and 16-18g of protein.
Another great dip for vegetable sticks is cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is actually one of the best sources of protein, with around 18-20g of protein for 100-130 calories.
This delivers high protein, fiber, and all the other nutrients from the vegetables.
Watermelons are some of the lowest-calorie foods when compared to volume. The reason is in their name; they're made of water!
There are just 30 calories in 100g (⅔ cups) of watermelon! The main issue is having fresh watermelon on hand, but if you like this fruit, it can pay off to have some when you need a quick snack.
Popcorn is a whole grain, high in fiber, and can be a filling snack. Air-popped popcorn is low in calories and can be flavored with a little salt or seasoning for extra taste.
When made without butter or oil, air-popped popcorn delivers 30-40 calories per cup.
Luckily, there are quite a few awesome high-calorie snacks to choose from. Here are some of our favorites.
If you're looking for great ideas for high-protein meals, check out our full article coming in the next couple of weeks!
This is probably our favorite high-protein snack.
Most Greek yogurts deliver 15-17g per 100-150 calories, but you can find higher ones. Also, Keep in mind that plain yogurts have fewer calories than flavored ones.
Regardless, Greek yogurt is perfect as it's ready to eat. You can either keep single servings and grab one or keep a jug in your fridge and eat a couple of spoonfuls when needed.
We swear, eating plain deli meat is delicious. It's high in protein and takes 0 time to prepare.
Obviously, different brands and sources will have different calories and amounts of protein. However, it's pretty easy to get 20g of protein under 200 calories.
You could add cheese to the deli meat to give it a little more flavor if you want to.
Did you know you can refrigerate hard-boiled eggs?
Prepare a group of hard-boiled eggs and keep them in your refrigerator for up to a week after boiling. These make a perfect snack when you're on the go and are very filling.
1 egg will deliver 6-8g of protein at 60-80 calories. Plus, eggs are extremely satisfying. Eating just one can instantly cure some hunger pains.
Jerky is another great option, you just need to be mindful of calories.
To maintain health, avoid processed meats such as pepperoni or sausage. Instead, stick with foods such as chicken or beef jerky.
On the higher side, you can find jerky with 8-10g of protein per 70-80 calories.
A protein shake is the ultimate high-protein snack. If you use just water, most brands give you 20-25g of protein at 130-150 calories.
You can use milk for a creamier shake. This will add some calories along with protein, but it will also add more protein along with other nutrients—and it will taste great!
Above, we went over a lot of information concerning healthy meals and overall weight loss. Here, we wanted to summarize it all and dictate what a diet plan for weight loss looks like.
1. Decide Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This is the total amount of calories you need to eat daily to maintain weight.
2. Deduct 300-500 calories to create a caloric deficit. Some individuals could go as high as 1,000 calories, but 500 tends to be a good spot for most.
3. Figure out your macronutrient breakdown. We think that a 30/30/40 (protein, fat, carbs) is a good place to start. Again,
4. Divide your calories and macro into 4-5 meals. Start by meeting your total protein needs. Then, calculate how much more fat and other foods are needed, and use carbs to fill in the rest of your calories.
5. Be sure to hydrate! Don't underestimate the power of water! Always stay hydrated.
6. Have high-protein snacks on hand. This is for any time you get some cravings.
Losing weight comes down to finding a group of meals you really like and being consistent with your diet. Eating a healthy meal isn't going to make a difference. Eating a healthy meal 80% of the time will. We listed some of our favorites but also gave you plenty of ideas to make your own meals. As you read this, keep in mind how easily you can adapt the recipes to your needs. Once you get the hang of it, you'll see that making healthy meals isn't nearly as complicated as some make it out to be.
(For more weight loss meals, check out these other recipes)
Some recipes were taken from other websites:
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